HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 192

“Now what? Any plans, Mr. Smartie pants?”
I stopped for a while and meanwhile came up with a brilliant idea.
“So those demons want our stone, eh? Then there must be something really special inside this
rock. Susie, let’s find the owner of this thing immediately before we get into another trouble.”
That night, I had a vivid dream a tent they set up. In my dream, I saw a monkey with golden fur
fighting against demons on a mountain. The monkey pulled out a bunch of his fur and blew it into
the wind…twenty more monkeys appeared and the demons had no idea which was the real body.
“Take that!” The monkey shouted, holding a piece of stone.
“I command you demons to get inside of this stone immediately!”
“That’s it!” I woke up and told Susie about his dream. “No way! So you’re saying that the stone
actually belongs to the Monkey King? I knew it! Mike, let’s pack our stuffs now and get going.”
Susie replied.
After a long and exhausting walk, we finally got to the mountain where Sun Wukong, the
Monkey King lived.
“Is there anything I can help you?” A pretty young lady came out from nowhere asked. ‘
“We’d like to meet Sun Wukong, please.” I asked.
“Come inside, kids.’’ The lady led them to a luxurious palace. In the castle, everything was
made of gold and jewelries. I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing.
“So, why are you kids looking for Wukong?’’
“Well…’’ I hesitated. I didn’t know if he should tell the lady about the rock. Maybe she’s
another White Bone Demon!
“Um… th… this…’’
“We just want to return a rock to him.’’ Susie answered.
“Oh! Interesting! May I have a look?’’
When Susie was lending the rock to the lady, the rock slipped off from her hands.
The rock broke into pieces.
“Susie! Look what you’ve done! You broke the rock!’’ I started yelling and blaming her. I
couldn’t imagine what would possibly happen if the rock was broken.
“I’m sure I was holding the rock carefully…’’ Susie argued.
Yeah, yeah. How predictable! Finding another excuse.
“Hahahahahaha… morons.’’ The lady laughed evilly. “You’ve just set the demons free!’’
The sky turned black and there were thundering and lightning. Demons was spread all over
the palace.
“Soon, us demons will rule the universe!’’ The lady continued her vicious laugh. A hideous-
looking creature flew towards us and told us to hide behind the golden statue.
“What’s going on? Are we going to die here?’’ Susie asked.
“Ah-choo!’’ I sneezed. What was making my nose so uncomfortable? While I was wondering,
I found a piece of golden fur sticking to my shirt. Golden fur? How strange! I’ve never touched
someone with golden fur!... Or did I? Yes! I got it! This must be one of Wukong’s fur. He must had
transformed into a demon and saved our lives! I took a peek behind the statue. Wukong duplicated
himself and distracted the demons’ attention.
“Uhh not again…’’ The demon sighed.
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