HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 191

Tale of Gobi Dessert
Immaculate Heart of Mary College, Cheng Lok Yi, Fiction: Group 3
ave you guys wondered how life would be if you’re living in a desert? When I was
a kid, I thought people who go to the desert are stupid. But now, I realized that
sometimes, going to a place you’ve never been before is a great experience. You’ll
never know. So, let me tell you the adventure Susie and I had in the Gobi Desert…
It was one freezing morning.
“Come on, Susie. You’ve had enough rest. We’ve got to get going.’’ I said.
“Mike! Don’t you know I’m sleeping?’’ Susie yelled.
She opened her eyes slowly. She found herself lying under a palm tree which was surrounded
by cactus.
“ARGHH!’’ She shrieked. Just then, a flock of ostrich flashed by them. I felt something
dangerous was nearby.
“Uh-oh… Susie… run for your life.” I warned Susie and held her hand tightly and quickly ran
into a cave.
“Phew! That was a close one.” I sighed.
“Are you sure this cave is safe, Mike? It’s so cold and dark here. Do you think there are black
scorpions, rattle snacks or tarantula living in this cave too?”
“No worries, Susie. I am sure we’ll be fine.”
While I was trying to comfort Susie, Susie was gone! Gosh, hide- and- seek in the middle of a
quest? Seriously?
“Susie! Where are you?” I asked.
“Come, Mike. She brings back a piece of stone with symbols written all over it. I guess some
cavemen left this here long time ago. Do you think we should take this to our laboratory and do
some research about it?” Susie’s voice echoed.
“Hmmm I think it’s better NOT to take this thing home because I don’t want to have any
trouble. Let’s just put this stone back to where it belongs.”
“It’s just a piece of stone, Mike! In fact, nothing bad has happened to us until now!” She put
the stone into his pocket. “Let’s move on!”
As days gone by, Susie and Mike had met different kinds of animals they’ve never seen before,
such as camels, snow leopards, wolves, and brown bears. They also found a lot of artifacts.
“Haha, this place is awesome!” Mike said, dancing with a Mongolian girl in a Ger camp.
Suddenly, the sky turns dark. Susie and Mike started to hear an eerie and uncomfortable noise
nearby them.
“We’re are not fools.” The Mongolian girl said, “ We know you kids are hiding the stone.
Confess, and you will suffer less pain.”
Her hair turns into silver and her skin turns white all of a sudden.
“Oh no! This must be one of the white Bone Demons from the Chinese legendary story:
Journey to the West! According to what I’ve learnt about…”
“Mike! We’re in danger! There’s no time for chit- chats now. Run!” Susie shrieked. They
jumped out of the tent and look for a place to hide.
“I told you going to a desert can be dangerous!” Susie stares at me angrily.
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