HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 184

a blue sword shimmered. The creature..screamed? I ran, chopping its head off. It vaporized and in
a “Poof” disappeared. Jenny looked at me, her eyes were blood-shot. She screamed “Really??!” I
sighed. This was our families’ secret. It was to be given to the daughters to learn Sword fighting.
We had similar swords and learned together. Very weird huh? It was a tradition, though I only used
it once. ”Wow..YOU WERE AMAZING!!! MR.WALKER IS GONNA BE SO PROUD!!” I smiled at her,
and we stayed like that. After a few seconds, I put my sword down. I squeezed the remains of the
plants and took a small sip. “It’s like coconut water.” She nodded. “Umm thank you..” I smiled. She
nodded. “Well we need to find a way home.” “Yea..” I replied. We got up and walked for at least
5 hours. We stopped in the way to find some food. We found a few harmless plants that looked
edible. We ate some and continued on our way. I hoped for at least a trail or something..but nothing
popped up. Finally we got too tired and passed out. Bad mistake.
I woke up at the sound. I was assuming it was another plant. I woke Jenny and took out my
sword. We stayed in silence but nothing came. I was about to lay down but suddenly I couldn’t
breathe. I gasped and someone choked me. I looked to see if it was Jenny but there was nothing.
She was gasping too! I swung the sword aimlessly, keeping cautious. The invisible thing cackled
and turned visible, though I wished after I saw it it could remain invisible. It looked like a witch.
It circled around us. I charged and swung at it. The witch screamed and suddenly I realized my
sword was glowing brightly and so was Jenny’s. I screamed “For Chocolate!!!” Random thing to
scream. I charged and I felt like a new person. The witch shrieked. “ON TON MEHT!!” I swung
right in its face. The light brightened and I swung faster and with more power, using all the skills
my Sensei had taught me. “Never underestimate your opponent. Try to find their weakness and
strike! And make sure they don’t find your weakness.” Those words rung into my mind. I swung
and at the corner of my eye, I saw Jenny doing the same. Finally, it vaporized and dropped two
jewels. They glowed like my sword. I was covered in sweat and felt like a donkey who’d had a bad
day. We slept immediately. When I woke, we discussed what happened last night. Then we took
out the jewels and stared at them. I nodded and we continued walking. Many days passed. Rarely
without plants. Water had become quite scarce now.
Finally, one day I noticed a temple. It was decorated with ancient Egyptian paintings. We
entered and noticed lots of seats and an empty frame-like thing. I walked and saw two pedestals
next to it. Both the pedestals had one free space each. Suddenly, my jewel and the pedestal glowed.
I looked at her and nodded at her. “Maybe this is..the way home..” We placed the jewels on the
pedestals. A light beam prevented us from seeing anything. We fell down and looked. The frame
had a picture of Earth. I cheered and we hugged each other. I noticed two bracelets near the
pedestals, which now glowed brightly. The bracelets had the same jewels, only a bit smaller but it
was lovely. I wore it. Together, we jumped onto the pedestals. When I opened my eyes, we were on
the ship, close to home. I looked around as if it were a dream. She blinked. “Was that a dream??”
I was about to say but I noticed a bracelet on my hand and grinned. “Look at your hand.” She
looked and smiled. Our parents greeted us at our arrival. We ate and drank like pigs! The rest of
my days with Jenny were amazing. On the day she left, she and I were crying a lot but I managed
a smile. She looked at her bracelet. We shook hands, and the bracelets glowed. Her parents signaled
her. I hugged her. “I’ll miss you a lot!! Thank you so much Jenny.. I hope soon we will see other
again!” She cried on me and then she nodded. “I will never ever forget you or this adventure, Maria
Gonsavles, you’re the best!” I nodded. When she finally departed, my parents were crying too, and
we looked up at the sky together. Jenny and her family were waving from the small plane window.
I looked again at the sky. Who knew when we’d have another adventure?
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