HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 193

“Here, use this, Wukong!’’ I found a torch inside Susie’s bag pack and tossed it to him.
All the demons were vanished. Everything turned back normal and everyone was safe and sound.
“Thanks to whatever this thing is, I guess the demons are gone forever!’’ Wukong smiled,
holding Susie’s torch. Kids. I know you two have travelled a long way to get here. I’m so sorry to
cause all these trouble. I should’ve take care of my belongings carefully. To show my gratitude to
all you kids have done to me, here. Take this cloud with you. It allows you to fly back to the place
where you live. You can also travel around the Gobi desert with it.’’
Whenever I look up to the sky, the clouds always remind me of the wonderful, unremarkable
journey I had in the Gobi desert…
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