HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 309

day, turning into someone like dad.
“Goodnight, Erin.” Say grandpa and dad in unison.
It’s only sunrise and I am already feeling a little bit dazed. The heat is like a constant, low
throbbing, emitted from both the sun and the ground. It’s been hotter than usual, I notice. Or
maybe it’s just me. I sweep away the sweat on my face, and Aaron the camel sticks out his tongue
to lick my face, grimacing at the bitter taste of sweat. He then curls up into a ball, refusing to walk.
“Come on,” I say wearily. “we just have to scan the land and see if there’s any water, which
there won’t be any, so pretty much walk back to the tents and say we did what we were supposed
to do..”
“Well, there might be. “Grandpa’s face is incomprehensive.
“Maybe we should dig a well!” I say, suddenly inspired. Aaron flicks his tail in annoyance and
I bend down and start digging with my bare hands.
Ouch, that was hot. In fact, the hot sand is so heated up we used to cook our food in it. I don’t
want my hands to be cooked. Something shimmered, causing a small avalanche of sand.
Water! I thought, our three heads bending close. I prodded it cautiously with my toe. And at
once, my vision was blurred and my eyes sting.
“Sandstorm! ” I scream with all my might. I don’t want to die! I still haven’t seen any
Dinisons, or achieved anything big in my life.
It never occurred to me how loud sand can be. Well, that was a lot of sand that make this ear-
splitting noise. It’s kind of like my dad snoring, just a bit softer and sandier. A hurricane of sand
come flying in all directions and I abruptly stand very still against the sand. A stronger force
sweeps me off my feet. Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have stood upright.
Then all of a sudden everything stops. My ears take a second to adapt to the sudden quietness.
I look around and nothing has changed. It’s still a piece of land with nothing but sand. I then see
grandpa and Aaron. They are now barely visible, as their whole body is covered with sand.
“Nice camouflage.”I smirk.
“Everyone, we have some very bad news.” Dad says, frowning.
“We have lost all our supplies in a ten-minute long sandstorm. All our tents were blown away
and we have no water left.”
Dad’s speech triggers an explosion of people murmuring into one another’s ears. They must be
really really hungry and thirsty to get this angry.
“I mean, this is outrageous…”
“No water? How are we ever going to live?”
“It’s ridiculous!” An old lady exclaims.
All of a sudden everyone quiets down.
It’s the shimmering object that triggers the sand storm.
A long crack appears on the object’s surface.
“An egg? Great. Let’s eat it.” Says the old lady fiercely.
A furry head pokes out of it. I guess the old lady was right.
The Dinison blinks at us .
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