HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 301

The Gobi Desert Quest
Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Ada Kam,12
elcome everyone, to the ceremony of the Gobi Desert Quest. I am the judge of this
competition and I am Happy Hong Hamilton. Mr. H will do.”
People in the hall clapped their hands. It was as noisy as a party for the whole
world. People cheered.
“Thank you. Let me start by introducing you to the contest. This is a quest, to find a rare
golden bar hidden in the sands. Only five teams are allowed to join. First come, first serve. Teams
are chosen already. The winners of the game will be able to get ten billion Tugrik!”
“Wow, that was so exciting,” exclaimed one of the audience. There was a long cheer.
Mr. H continued, “The competition will start next month and will last until someone wins. For
more information, please contact me, Mr. H at 1999 391300, the one and only handsome living
creature in the Gobi Desert! Thank you!”
There was a moment of silence after the cheer. Then, without communication, everyone in the
enormous hall rushed out to check out the teams. Through the speaker, Mr. H announced, “Ladies
and gentlemen, pets and pests, the participating teams are Team CHINA, Team SOUTH AFRICA,
Team AUSTRALIA, Team FRANCE and last but not the least, Team UNITED STATES!” There
was shouting and applauding for each team. Not long after, people from different regions began
insulting each other.
Team leader Xi from China walked into their preparation room. He wandered around and
started thinking about who he should choose for his team. “Aha, I will choose the hard workers,
the clever ones and the rich ones.” He called his teammates and not long after, everyone arrived.
“Our goal is to win the race and beat Americans. We need to pack our survival kit for the desert.
The only way to win is by technology. Let’s bring all the machines that are useful in the desert.”
After hundreds of checks of the survival kit list and training, they were ready to go.
“Team South Africa, we are here to show the world that we can win. We don’t care about our
impression on others as many teams are worse than us.” Leader Mandela said spiritually. He chose
the fast workers and runners. They believed in their own flesh and muscle, no technology should
be included, and were ready to go.
The French team leader Hollande and his teammates were training harshly. All of them had
sun tanned skin. Their dripping beads of sweat showed their hard effort. “Time’s up. Remember,
guys, we need to win. We will win because god is helping us. For Mona Lisa, for Jesus, we will
compete until the end.” Team France was ready to go.
“Come on. For heaven’s sake, let’s get started. What do we need to win? Ok, we’ve got finger
polisher, creams, make-up kit.” said their leader Hogan. “We better watch out for our enemies. We
must win for the money. I am sure that souls of the creatures in the Great Barrier Reef will protect
us and our belongings. Remember to work as a team, Australia, here we go!” Team Australia was
ready to go.
United States’ team leader Obama gazed at his team members, proudly. He drank his cup of hot
chocolate and smiled. “Team, we are determined to win this game. All we need is money. We can
buy things from other places so we can reduce our spending amount. We will beat the Chinese and
others and grab hold of victory.” He encouraged his team members. Team U.S.A. is ready to go.
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