HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 307

I remembered the images I had seen from the ring. I was out of the blue, a flog of two-humped
camels dashed pass me, and were disappearing at the other end of the sand dunes. Then I realized
that I was at the Gobi Desert. Those two-humped camels were the Bactrian camels. These were the
only camels that existed in the Gobi Dessert. And that was the proof that I was at the Gobi Desert.
Without hesitation, I followed the trail of the camels. The desert was a furnace. It was a land
of burning sands. I thought my feet were cooked. It was a burning, merciless desert of glare and
death. Finally, the camels spotted an oasis and decided to take a rest. I raced to a pond of water
and soaked my feet in it. It could release the heat. I looked around the oasis. Luck was on my
sight, I found some fruits. I ate as much as I could and put the rest of it in my hat. Then I had a
brilliant idea. Why was I so stupid? To walk across the desert, when there were numerous camels
around me. To prevent the camels from running away, I seized my chance to hop on and got
seated on the hump of one of the camels.
After a day of good rest, the camels left the oasis, I had not got with me a compass nor as a
map. I let my faith to these desert animals. Again, the sun was scotching hot, the desert spread out
before me. A sea of sand was shimmering with heat. I hoped the animals would go to another oasis
quick enough. My lips were dried, and I was seriously in need of water. The temperature in the
desert was unpredictable. I heard a strange noise coming from behind. When I turned around, I had
the shock of my life, a huge sand storm was heading towards me. The camels panicked, the panic
animals galloped as fast as their hoof could take them. But it was no use. The huge sand dunes had
been blown away by the sand storm and dumped elsewhere. My eyes could not open because the
sand was too prickly. I had to use my hat to cover my face. My hat made a perfect mask. All I did
was gripping the hump as tightly as possible. The poor animal was my only friend left.
When the sand storm was over, I opened my eyes, and removed my hat. I looked like a sand
man. My camel was gone. I was standing in front of a gigantic sand castle. I shouted loudly
for help. However, there was only absolute silence. At the gate of the castle, I found a name,
“BAYANKHONGOR AIMAGEKHIINGOL”. To my surprise, I found the place that my great-
grandmother had mentioned! She must have wanted me to come here! I opened the gate and walked
into the deserted palace. There was no soul in sight. Slowly, I walked up the stairs and found a
room with my great-grandmother’s name on the door. So I entered. The moment I stepped in, I saw
servants dashing pass me, and I saw a little girl who looked surprisingly like my great-grandmother.
“Princess Tianshan, would you like to have your bath now?” asked the servant.
I understood everything at once. It was clear that my great-grandmother was a princess.
Just then, everything in the princess room started spinning. I was really scared. Images of the
universe were swirling and twirling around me. In a split of a second, I was back to my own
bedroom. I looked at the clock and the calendar on the wall. It was showing the same date that
I had left for the Gobi Desert. Then I realized the magic of the ring. The ring could actually
bring me back and forth from time. At the bottom of my heart, I thanked my great-grandmother,
princess Tianshan, for giving me such a wonderful trip.
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