HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 302

After a month of preparations...
“A round of applause for the Quest to the Gobi Desert. I am the host Mr. H. Are all teams ready
to compete?” There were a few “yes” and people started to scream for their teams. “Thank you for
your support. Without delay, let the race begin!” The teams ran for their lives through the crowd
and into the Gobi Desert.
Different teams headed to their destination. Some went to a land with giant rocks so they
could build a settlement. Some instead went to find food first. Some chose to explore the
environment first. Some tried to spy on others. Team China tried to avoid running into the
Americans. The Americans meanwhile were still planning where to settle down and hunt for food.
They built a small home with the plants near the saxual tree forest and started hunting in the
woods. It was burning hot. The temperature was scorching, but they never gave up.
On the other hand, the Africans were about to dig for the treasure. They had built a simple
home already. They worked quite fast compared to the others. The French couldn’t be contacted
because of weak signals. Maybe they were finding a way to their destiny. The Australians should
be on their way, building a comfortable house to live in the middle of the desert. Everyone is very
busy on their own work. This race was very exciting as every team already started their journey
and put in a lot of effort. Aside from France, all teams were progressing quickly.
A week passed. No one was missing and every team had their own style of cooking method
and houses. Every team was still healthy. Until one day, a giant sand storm approached with a
camel attack. The wind whistled and whipped around the desert. The storm was wild and furious,
sweeping up stormy sand all the way. The camels were running crazily like possessed idiots. They
were out of control, attacking whatever they saw. First the Chinese, then South Africans and
then one by one, every team was in danger. The Chinese used their machines to protect them.
The South Africans quickly dug giant holes to live in with the desert creatures. The Americans
threw their money towards the wind hoping to stop it and the Australians and French prayed to
god and hoped for help and rescue. Their homes were poorly damaged. Their food was scattered.
Their possessions were either blown away or destroyed. Every team seemed to face a challenging
problem. However, none of them tried to give up!
Luckily, the sand storm lasted only half a day.
Right after the sandstorm, a helicopter flew across the sky with a bright red banner with
DESERT. GOOD LUCK! Mr. H.” All the teams saw the large words and rushed towards the center
of the desert. They began using their own way to dig for the treasure.
“Hey! I’ve found something!” Everyone shouted together. They all dug and reached the
huge treasure box. Every team tried to pull the box up. Unfortunately, it was too heavy. No one
managed to bring it up. “Maybe, we can work together,” a member of the Chinese team said
uneasily. The others only nodded and agreed with his point. Each team chose a corner and lifted
the treasure box up. They placed it on the sand and then like crazy wild monkeys, grabbed the
gold and checked out which was the rare one. Nothing was left in the box. But no one got the rare
gold. Where could it be?
The helicopter flew by with another hint again. This time, “SHARE” was written. The teams
gathered together but far enough from each other as if they were monsters.
“Well........ I think we should give one gold...... to another team........ and yeah ... wait for
hints.......” An African said scarily. Other teams stared at him for a moment, and then exchanged
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