HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 462

He jogged, his feet stamping the soft sand of the Gobi Desert, spraying the sand in all directions
as he got closer and closer to Desa Induk. Suddenly, he heard a conch shell being blown, then his
instincts kicked in. Bandits! Only the most daring and dangerous bandits will use conch shells to
communicate with themselves! His heart pumped faster and faster, the only though in his head
was “Well, that escalated quickly!” Without warning, a huge stallion and black as night trudged in
front of Manu, cruel eyes piercing daggers at him. Manu felt his fear rising up higher and higher,
until the stallion reared up and picked up the scroll with his jaws and started to get away with it.
That’s been also when Manu felt anger rising up. He silently said “What! These bandit’s stallions
WILL NOT get that scroll!” He raged and scared off the stallion, breath-taken (Literally! He spend
one minutes screaming and yelling, who’d breath would not be “Taken-away”?
Out of the blue, he saw a path build by ref bricks. He had a grainy memory of his king saying
“Follow the road of blood, it will lead you to me” As of that, he left, waiting for his package to
arrive to him. Manu felt a bit more secure with where he is going and continued with his journey
along the road in the Gobi Desert. He patted his side pocket just to ensure the package was safely
tucked there. Soon enough, he heard distant shouts and he immediately knew he was close to Desa
Induk! He walked faster, excited to tell his king he had the scroll. As the shouts of villagers grew
louder and louder, he joined with them, glad that he had not failed his king. He charged past the
city gates and zipped past many merchants like him. He quickly found out his kings house, the
biggest, sandstone house in the village. He reached into his pockets to grab hold of his keys when
suddenly; a serious looking face peered at him. He rapidly beating slowed down as he realized it
was his king staring back at him! Without speaking, the king ushered Manu to his room, where he
asked for the precious scroll. Manu handed it over as a smile appeared on the king’s face. The king
announced to him “ Finally, I’ve been looking everywhere for this last scroll!” But then, when he
put the scroll along with the others, a bright light flashed and a loud sucking noise was emitted.
Then, the king was whisked away to somewhere unknown! Manu stared at where the king just
was with a bewildered look in his eyes. Did he do something wrong? Where is he? As thoughts
raced around Manu’s head, his king was having his own adventure, in the past.
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