HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 467

New Tales of the Gobi Desert
The ISF Academy, Secondary Division, Claire Wu, Fiction: Group 3
am Lexi, an ordinary girl with a mundane life, writing from the future. I am here to tell
you about the Gobi Desert. You might think now that the Gobi Desert is a horrible place
because of the roasting temperature that makes your throat feel like it is being swallowed
and your eyes feel like they are rolling to the back of your head. You might also dislike the
Gobi Desert because it is a place of limited resources, causing you to starve of hunger and die of
thirst at a young age. Yet, in the future, your Gobi Desert has turned into a beautiful place where
extinct animals return!
You might now be thinking, “how did this change suddenly happen?” Let me explain! When
I was still a baby, there was a 15-year-old boy genius called Nick who had lots of freckles and a
big round pair of glasses. Nick, who was exceptionally good at science, not only was interested in
inventing new things, but he also had a craving to bring extinct animals back to life.
Sadly, everyone around Nick thought his dream was unrealistic, even including his
unsupportive parents! At school, Nick’s classmates called him a fool, saying it was impossible for
his dream to come true. At home it was even worse, his parents always said,” Give up your useless
dream! It is impossible for it to happen! Now, your life goal is to focus on your school work and
get into a good college! That is all what life is all about! Now go and study for your English test!
Faster! You only have 10 hours! Faster!” When this happened Nick often went into his room and
cried while studying for 10 long hours.
One day after being laughed at by his classmates and being called a useless son by his
parents, Nick couldn’t take it anymore.
“I will show them that I am a person with big dreams, not a fool! “ Nick exclaimed that day.
Since then, Nick took actions towards bringing extinct animals back to life. Nick firstly
went to the potion store and bought three ‘animal’ potions, two ‘life’ potions, one ‘return’ potion
and lastly two ‘ appreciative’ potions. After getting all the ingredients, Nick started working on
his mixture. Everyday after school, he ran home as fast as his feet could carry him and started
experimenting, trying his very best. At first all his experiments exploded before he even properly
mixed them and sometimes he got a little frustrated. Pulling his hair in rage, he walked out into
the yard for some peace. While walking, Nick suddenly caught a dead ant lying on the ground,
and before he knew it, he had a brilliant idea.
Running home and breathing hard, Nick held the ant in his hand and put it in a jar. He started
experimenting again and after days and days of hard work he finally made it! He slowly poured
the mixture on the dead ant and gradually the ant stretched it’s body, and bit a piece of paper,
forming a heart. Nick smiled and nodded his head while the ant crawled away.
“Yeah! I made it! Bringing an animal back to life and giving it the heart of appreciation!” Nick
exclaimed happily.
The next day, Nick was congratulated by his parents and all his classmates. No one called
him a fool or anything similar ever again; instead, everyone called him a hero. Although Nick
was pleased with his finding, he didn’t just stop there. Instead Nick wanted to find a place for the
grateful extinct animals and he finally decided to put them in your Gobi Desert, which we now
call “ The Powerful Gobi Grassland.”
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