HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 468

The Powerful Gobi Grassland has a herd of animals extinct in your time! Some animals there
include The Dodos, The Tasmanian Tigers, The Quaggas, and the Laughing Owl. The Dodos have
come back as plump as they could be, with full and colourful feathers. The Tasmanian Tigers have
returned with their great strength, defending their young and protecting the Gobi Grassland. The
Quaggas have re-emerged with a variety of zebra prints and horse heads, while the Laughing Owls
laugh day and night about this unbelievable return of their fellow friends.
Every day, these extinct animals played together. By and large, they all started to experience
what the words “love,” “family,” and “friendship” really mean. Before these animals had became
extinct, the words “love,” “family” and “friendship” had meant nothing to them, but now, after
re-emerging and experiencing these words every day in The Powerful Gobi Grassland, these
words meant something to all of them. Whenever they played or spent time with their families
and friends, these words came out of their heads and a warm feeling fizzled in their hearts while
happy memories played back in their minds.
Your ambition can lead to amazing things as long as you believe in yourself and never give up.
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