HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 464

‘You all know how to ride camels, let’s go.’
Odval was also on a camel, but she was staring at Jennifer and Shane intensely. Shane noticed
her and waved at her, but Odval kept staring. Shane frowned.
And at this very moment, a red lazer beam blast right before his eyes and shot one of the
camels! Everyone started shrieking.
‘Oh. My. God.’ Shane said. ‘Did you see that?’
Jennifer nodded. Professor Theodore was in shock.
‘Sh…she…’ he stammered.
Jennifer looked around the lab and realized that Odval was gone. She rode to the professor
with Shane behind.
‘Professor, are you okay?’ they said in unison.
‘Professor, tell me exactly what happened.’
Professor Theodore gulped and said,
‘Odval was right next to me, then I saw her eyes shoot out a lazer beam, then the camel was shot.’
Shane sighed,
‘I think she is a robot.’
‘A robot?’ Jennifer asked.
‘Maybe someone heard about the eggs and wanted to steal them…’ The professor said
‘We need to stop them! Come on Shane!’ Jennifer blurted and rode her camel with Shane outside.
She looked into distance and said,
‘Look, I think that’s where we need to go.’ She pointed to an object in the distance. ‘A little too
obvious.’ She smirked.
There was a neon sign saying “Robots for sale!”
‘I’ll alert the professor.’ Shane snorted and rode back inside.
A few minutes later, the professor came out with Shane.
‘I already dealt with the camel…oh, I wonder why I never noticed that.’ The professor said,
gesturing towards the sign.
‘Well, that’s because it just appeared. Anyway, let’s go.’ Jennifer said and urged her camel
towards the sign.
‘Hey, hey, hold your “camels”. You need your walkie talkie.’ The professor quickly said.
When they got their walkie-talkies, Jennifer and Shane rode ahead.
‘The quicker we get this done, the faster I can go back home.’ Grumbled Jennifer.
When they got close, they slowed their camels to a walk. Jennifer did a double take when she
saw the place; there were a lot of houses, even more than their camp.
‘Hmm…interesting.’ The professor mumbled.
‘Wow.’ Shane breathed.
Jennifer gazed around and noticed that one of the houses were bigger than the others.
‘Hey look at that one.’ Jennifer said, pointing to the big house.
The professor rode towards it and they followed.
When they arrived, Shane announced, ‘Let’s do this!’ he got off his camel and went inside, so
they followed.
They were inside when suddenly a man hollered, ‘Freeze! Hands up!’
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