HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 489

our destination in time, this monster landscape was unavoidable. I, with totally no idea of the
dangers lying ahead, walked slowly with my parents lighthearted. The sun hanged high over my
head like a devil wearing a smile laughing at us for our ignorance. Seeing flashbacks was just
like watching a video, but only with three senses more to feel, you couldn’t do anything to turn
or stop the camera, you could only watch. My dad went towards the camel to unload some stuff,
some seconds later my mom went to help him, that’s when I first felt the wind’s engine waking up.
Struggling and screaming inside that young boy’s body and trying to yell at my parents to warn
them, and the results were exactly the same when you tried to change the past by yelling at the
old videos you filmed. I watched in pain, knowing that fear and that sand punching at my face
would be felt again…
… The vision faded and I could continue to focus on the rocky terrain. The rocks were
becoming more and more close together, there were hardly any bare soil visible to us. Each step
I took made me gasp for breath and I need to consider carefully before making a foothold. At my
side-Alex, wasn’t any better than me; I could even hear him panting five meters in front of me!
We were almost there, the top of the hill. Another wind blew at me, and again my vision swam…
… Look like my mom and dad were facing trouble, they were fumbling stuff there for almost
ten minutes. The wind was picking up too, I could even feel sand brushing my face. I was even
starting to get scared.
I yelled, “Ma, Ba? Are you okay? I’m scared.”
“Stay where you are and do not go away, it’s dangerous.” My dad replied without even
looking back.
After a while, the wind was really starting to get stronger, and in the same time, my fear was
getting stronger too. So I yelled again, “Ma, can’t you feel the wind getting stronger? Is it normal
like this?”
“Ma!” I continued.
No one replied; guess I was on my own facing one of the most terrifying natural hazards in
earth, a sandstorm.
The vision fizzled and swam again; I was finally now on the top of the hill. Alex and I were
still tired, so we had rest on the top of the hill before we started going down again.
“Wow!” Alex said in an impressing voice, “Looks like we’re going to stay here a bit longer
than we planned.”
I turned around; my jaw dropped and saw the most incredible sight in my life. Beautiful green
lines slid on the ground like slimy liquid from the top of the hills, making the hills look like
wrinkled skin. I may describe them like disgusting things, but I promised you, they were beautiful
and… like old people; Old, wise and wrinkled. They made a good match if the goal was to impress
people of their death. This was really the most incredible sight in my life.
Wind blew at me, again my vision swam…
… Sand blasted at my face with such a huge force I could feel dents drilled in me; I struggled to
stand up and fought against the wind so that I would not be buried under that monstrous sand. It
seems like eternity before I realized that I didn’t need to fight the wind in order to survive, I could
just walk with it. It was a lot better after I started walking with the wind, but it was a nightmare
still- imagines jogging with hordes of flies and insects flying insanely around you and continuously
hitting your back and your body so hard, your body seemed to be the surface of the moon.
I walked and walked with no destination or intension, not even hope. And suddenly, I found
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