HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 493

body was bitten off, the apparition moaned and screamed,” Save me! Save me!” Hiro was wide
awake and was shivering violently; he covered his ears and screamed for the noise to stop, the
ghost shrieked and said, “Jump to the lake, save me.” The ghost drifted towards the lake and Hiro
followed suit, John scrambled up and followed, trying to pull Hiro away, but he kept running.
When they reached the lake, the ghost dived in the water. When Hiro knelt down and touched the
water, John grasped his arm and pulled, but Hiro pulled his hand away and said,” I’m trying to
save someone! Don’t you under-” Suddenly the water exploded and Hiro was dragged into the lake.
The ghost appeared and said, “You’re next.”
John ran for his life and never looked back .Reached a sand dune, scrambled over it, and
finally saw the town the helicopter pilot had mentioned. He cried with relief, looking behind him,
saw the biggest sand storm he had ever seen. The winds seemed to whisper, “Save me John! It’s
me, Hiro…” The winds sucked him closer and closer .He struggled to find a handhold but found
nothing. Suddenly, he fell into a hole and blacked out.
After the winds stopped, the town disappeared.
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