HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 690

can just stand here and sleep. I can run away quickly in case something goes wrong! So I stayed a
night there in that cabin and took plenty of sleep so I could continue my journey.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up!” I heard a voice said.
I ignored what person was telling me and kept my eyes shut, but how could it be so hot all of
a sudden? Yesterday was as cold as popsicles! Wait a minute, this is hotter than the hot that I ever
had! I feel like I’m burning! As I opened my eyes, and there I realized I was somewhere else. I was
in a hot spa! Wait a minute, I’m not in a hot spa, I’m in a boiling pot! The lights were turned on
and I was surrounded by weird things. Stuff like eyeballs, noses, ears and worms were in jars! But
the scariest thing was they were still moving. Then I realized this is not just any ordinary house,
it’s a witches’ house!
The only thing I’m thinking of is that I have to get out of here before I become food for that
wicked witch! I am one lucky creature for having muscular legs, so I could just kick anything I
see so I could get out of this place! I kicked the tables, chairs and chains so I could escape and
finally, I could reach the door!
“Free at last!” I said while running away.
Later on, I felt like my back was so free. I left that burden in the witch’s house! But why would
I need it? Yes, I know it’s a burden, but I feel like I have the responsibility to bring it to that
village but why? Don’t mind that for now, what matters is to get that burden back!
So I rushed to the witch’s house and sniffing my way to find out where that burden was.
I searched from left to right, up to down. But it was nowhere near there. Then I saw the witch
carrying it. I needed to get that bag no matter what. So I ran to the witch but unfortunately for
me, I was caught and she made me float in the air like a flying donkey.
“Why are you running around and destroying my property?” the witch said in a cranky voice.
“Nee-Nee-Nee” I told her.
She did this magic spell to make me talk her language and made me repeat what I said.
“I have the responsibility to bring that luggage to a certain place called “Village of Gobi”’ I said.
“Ah! You must be “The One” everyone is talking about” the witch mumbled to herself “you must
go seek the Village of Gobi before sunset tomorrow. If you don’t, you shall be ashamed of yourself.”
So she gave me the luggage and we both went on with our lives. I ran to the north as fast as I
could to be able to reach the village before sunset. The nearer I get to the village, the more awful
smell I could sniff!
Finally, reached the north side of the Gobi desert, the Village of Gobi. As I walk into the
village, there were a lot of children running around, until they saw me. They ran as fast they can
to their parents saying “It’s The One! He’s back!”
I saw everyone’s faces, the fear, the hatred, and the sadness, all around the village. As I walk
in the streets, a family of three, a mother and two daughters came to me. They took the luggage
off my back and the first thing I thought of was that it’s finally off my back and I’m free from
carrying that burden.
But, when the family of three opened the bag, they were shocked and suddenly cried. I
sneaked and looked at what was in that luggage, and it was my master, filled with a last note
saying, “Take care my camel, I owe him my life.” Take care of me?! And there summed up why I
had to carry this luggage together with an empty bottle.
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