HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 697

and rather more blueish grey than its normal color, brownish orange. It took sight of me, and its
eyes were locked into mine. My heart suddenly beat faster. After a few seconds, it started coming
to where I was. Surprisingly, I moved forward to it as well, since I was so intrigued by its
uniqueness. It was so extraordinary, so rare. My heart beat even faster, yet I was not scared. It
was mystifying and beautiful. The leopard then ran away, after I moved closer to it. Perhaps it
was more scared of me than me being scared of it. I sighed, and moved along. Night was nearing,
and I had to set up a tent to prepare for the adverse weather. Night came, and I was tucked in. I
decided to sleep through the night since the wind was detrimental and it was too cold. In the
middle of my sleep, I heard something. Eerie sounds coming outside the tent. I took a peek out a
hole from the tent, and saw the unimaginable. There were aurora beams in the sky, blue, purple,
green, orange, so many beautiful and vivid colors that I couldn’t remember, it was as if God was
painting the sky. The aurora beams filled the sky, and the stars behind shined brightly. I rushed
outside the tent and my mouth opened wide, surprised by the gorgeousness of the beautiful
scenery. The earth started rumbling, and a huge gate somehow rose from the ground in front of
me. I was so lost in admiration, that I didn’t notice the golden gates. After a few more seconds of
wonderment, my eyes locked into the gates underneath the upper atmosphere. The bars of the
gates were shaped to the word, “Eden”. “How in Beelzebub’s name did that appear?” I cursed. The
gates slowly started opening, and the ground started shaking violently. After a few minutes of
attempts of regaining balance, the earthquake stopped. The magical gates were fully opened.
There it was. The graffiti I’ve seen in the subway. The exact view from the painting. I followed my
gut and rushed inside, without thought. I was inside another dimension. The view from the
graffiti I’ve seen was expanded. I was in heaven on Earth, and it was so peaceful and quiet. I
looked around and jumped for joy. “Dad! I’m doing it! Exploring the world and finding new
places!”, I shouted to no one but the plain air. I sighed, and continued walking, admiring the
beauty of the mystique and different world. There again, I saw the esoteric being from a far
distance, looking at me again. It still took the form of a leopard, but this time, it was amazingly
standing. It was more human than leopard. I took out my pair of binoculars again to examine this
eerie yet alluring creature. This thing, whatever it was, was running towards me. While running,
his skin started shedding, it started to come off. Its leopard hair started falling off, and its back
started to straighten. It became more human and human each second it was reaching to me. Its
claws disappeared, and his paws changed to hands. Its legs weren’t bent anymore, and its tail
vanished. It morphed into a fully grown and mature homo sapiens, and took the form of a man.
He was nearing me, and I fell on my back. He finally reached me, and glared at me. I put down
my binoculars, and gulped. Somehow, I wasn’t scared. I felt safe next to him. I felt like I knew
him, but I just couldn’t picture him with any of the people I’ve met before. “Hi Damon.” he said,
with a deep and raspy voice. I knew that voice. I knew him. I just couldn’t find out who he was. I
was sure I’ve met him before, but I just couldn’t remember how. It took a while for me to speak,
because I was so lost in a mixture of thoughts and astonishment. “How do you know my name?” I
stuttered, and those words were the words I finally managed to pull out from my mouth. He
smiled. That smile was so familiar. “Silly boy,” he chuckled. My eyes opened wide. My mouth was
opened wide as well. “It’s been long.”, he said heartily. He lent me a hand, and I grabbed it firmly
and hugged him tight. Joyful tears came out from my eyes, and I didn’t want to let go. “It’s been
way too long, Dad,” I replied. After a few minutes for everything to calm down, he told me that he
was a spirit, and no longer alive. He explained why he never was there after I turned eight.
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