HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 699

New tales of the Gobi Desert
St. Margaret’s Co-Educational English Secondary and Primary School: Secondary Section
Secondary, Mary Mueller, Fiction: Group 4
s I sat down by my windowsill, with my two favourite pink pillows by the side, I
looked out into the city. Though it was half pas 2 in the morning, flashing lights could
still be seen everywhere. It seemed so peaceful at night despite all the lights flickering.
Be that as the time was, it remained as one of the busiest cities in the world.
I couldn’t sleep, it was freezing. I could feel the cool breeze, the whoosh sound it makes
and that tingly feeling when it passes by you, coming from the slight gap from my window. As
much as I felt cold, I didn’t want to close it. I actually liked the feeling of feeling uncomfortably
comfortable in the cold. I decided to put on my big fluffy winter slippers to turn on the music
across my room. I played some classical music. It felt so right, truly appeasing.
As everything went by,
“Woah” I thought “What a moment right now, truly magical I’d say”.
I went back by my windowsill and continued staring out the window.
“What a beautiful sight” I said.
I heard a little knock on my door. Instead of how people would usually react with curiosity
and surprise, I smiled because I knew who that was: it was my adorable little brother, Jeremy. I
opened the door.
“Ew what are you doing here?” I asked jokingly.
“Mia, I can’t sleep again,” murmurs Jeremy in his fairly high-pitched voice (since he hasn’t hit
puberty yet).
“Come now, what’s wrong this time?”
“I don’t know I just can’t sleep. I keep trying and trying. I’ve been counting sheep but it
doesn’t help.” he says in his whiny cute little voice. “What are you doing, Mia?”
“I can’t sleep either. I’m so stressed about everything. I’m just looking out the window. Do you
want to join me?”
“Oh yes please!”
Jeremy’s inability to sleep has happened several times before. I feel sorry for him because he’s
just 6 years old and he needs all the sleep he can get.
We both walked towards my windowsill and sat. He grabbed one my pink pillows and hugged
it tightly. We sat there by each other while I fiddle with his light brown curly hair. His eyes were
wide-awake: his light brown pupils were as circular as the full moon, his gaze was fixed as a
statue, and his mouth was closed. I looked at the direction his eyes were gazing towards. All I
could see were the city lights all over the place, cars on roads everywhere, just the usual, nothing
else. It was already half past 2 in the morning!
“Jeremy, why don’t I tell you a bedtime story?”
“Oooh yes please! I’d love a bedtime story!”
“Alright, alright. Here goes.”
I paused. I had no idea what kind of story to tell. Nothing was going in my mind except the
city lights, the homework I have, the exams coming up, the gadgets I’ve got, the future I’m going
to have if ever I get successful, the luxurious homes, and the Ferrari Enzo I’m going to have. I
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