HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 221

Fiction: Group 2
Rising of the Pearl River
German Swiss International Primary School, Ko, Chun Hei - 9, Fiction: Group 2
n the winter of Sydney 1997, there was a little house in the middle of a town. The house lived four
people: Mr Lukewall, his wife, their daughter and son, Sophie and Tom. Everyone thought Tom was
a normal 12 year old boy, playful and gentle, but he wasn’t! He worked for the ISC (International Spy
Committee) as Agent TLL.
One ordinary afternoon in June, Tom heard his phone ring. He picked it up and a voice told him to go to
Hong Kong, as there was suspicious activity in the Pearl River that could harm the construction of the new
airport in Hong Kong. Instantly, he realised it was from the ISC. Luckily, his parents and his sister were up
in Darwin for a trip. Tom was supposed to stay at his grandma's house, but since his granny also worked at
ISC, she would understand.
Tom rushed to Sydney Airport and took the first flight to Hong Kong. He hailed a taxi to the hotel near
the new airport. There, he was supposed to see Norman Foster, one of the main architects of Hong Kong
International Airport.
One minute after Tom had arrived, the door opened and Norman Foster walked in. He asked Tom what
was going on in the Pearl River and who was causing it. Tom told Norman Foster all about how the Pearl
River was rising at an alarming rate, which could flood the new airport.
After about two hours of explaining, Tom got on his fly board (which was a board that could hover and fly
in the air) and flew all the way to Tai O. In Tai O, Tom got out a depth indicator and put it into the
water. When the indicator was properly adjusted, it was already 8 o’clock. He flew back to hotel and went
to sleep.
In Macau, there was a man that few people knew about. His name was X. He was the one responsible for
the Pearl River rising. When he found out Tom was here to try to foil his plans, he took the first boat to
Hong Kong. X sneaked to Tom’s hotel, crawled in the window and took out a gun. Just when he was
about to shoot, he heard someone coming. Suddenly, the sound of X hiding woke Tom up. Knowing X
was here to kill him, Tom raced out of bed and quickly went down to the hotel lobby, because he knew X
would not shoot Tom in front of others.
When Tom was sure that X was gone, it was already morning, so Tom got on his fly board and flew to Tai
O. There he checked the indicator. The water had risen almost a whole inch in the past 24 hours. He
contacted the Hong Kong Police Force, ISC headquarters and the Government.
On the other side of Pearl River, X ran to his headquarters to tell a bunch of dolphins to cover any trace of
what he had done. While the police looked for X, Tom went to X’s headquarters. When Tom was flying
over Macau in invisibility mode, he saw a person who looked very similar to X. While thinking, Tom
accidentally crashed into a billboard. Falling to the ground, he saw a flash of white. Thinking quickly, he
grabbed it and waited to be pulled up, but that didn't happen. Instead, he hit the ground with a thud.
Tom got up and realised the person he saw was X, and he just grabbed his false beard! Hastily, Tom chased
X to the airport. There, he saw X get on a small plane, and take off into the air. When Tom thought all
hopes were lost, he remembered - the fly board! Tom quickly hopped on it and chased after X.
Just when X was about to land, his plane got struck by a bullet. Looking back, he found himself being
chased by the police! X pressed the eject button and parachuted to the ground. He ran as fast as he could to
his headquarters, to find it flooded by the Pearl River. Turning back to run, X saw the police behind him.
Having no choice, X surrendered.
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