HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 224

Fiction: Group 2
June into the river. Rose hands flew to her mouth and screamed for help, but she was too far away from the
ship. There was no one left in the village, they had all gone to celebrate June’s birthday. She watched in
horror as June struggled for a few moments, gasping for breath, and sank. She had drowned.
Rose’s heart was pounding. Her mother was wrong. It was not a suicide, June was murdered. But
the whirl of wind started again, bringing Rose back to the small room, to reality. No, No! Not now! She
had to go back! She must somehow find a way to rewrite history. She fell onto her knees and prayed
fervently for the wind to take her back. This time, she would stop Louisa.
As she prayed, the gust of wind started again. Rose let out a breath she hadn’t even realised she was
holding, and waited for the journey.
Then all was still.
Rose landed at the same spot with a thud, and saw the ship gliding on the river surface. Rose
scanned the crowd desperately and finally saw the familiar flash of red among the sea of people. But where
was Louisa? Alarmed, Rose found her emerging from one of the corners, creeping towards June with a
menacing smile. She was running out of time. Rose dove into the water, swimming as fast as she could to
the ship. Her arms were like propellers, her feet a whirling blur, and every second felt like an eternity. After
what seems like forever, she felt the edge of the ship, and threw herself on board.
June looked up in alarm, but there was no time for explanations. She pushed June to the other end
of the deck and scrambled to her feet.
A woman’s shrill cry pierced the night and Rose saw a furious Louisa rocketing towards her.
Terrified, Rose sprinted around but there was nowhere to hide. Louisa reached into her pocket and drew
out a knife, snarling, her eyes crazed and bloodshot. Just when she was about to lunge at Rose, she slipped
on a puddle of water and went hurtling through the sky, landing in the river with a sickening plop.
Rose staggered to her feet and looked for June. She was curled up in the corner, mouth agape with
shock. Rose began to explain, but just when she opened her mouth, the wind appeared again, bringing her
back home.
Exhausted, Rose clambered to her bedroom and fell into a deep slumber. The next day, Rose
woke up to the sound of firecrackers. She walked out, puzzled, and asked her parents what was happening.
“Didn’t you realise? It’s Grandma June’s 80th Birthday today!”
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