HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 222

Fiction: Group 2
After being questioned, it seemed that X had invented a machine to talk to animals. Since the dolphins’
homes were being destroyed, X promised to fix them if the dolphins did what he told. In the end, the
dolphins agreed. X told the dolphins to place the Aqua-inator (which he invented) in the Pearl River. The
Aqua-inator would make water rise, until it covered the new airport in Hong Kong.
After X was sent to jail, Tom deactivated the Aqua-inator. Using the machine that X invented, Norman
Foster found out the dolphins help X because the construction of the new airport was destroying their
homes. Knowing this, Norman Foster told all the people working at the new airport to stop working and
help fixing the dolphins’ homes.
During the building of the dolphins’ new homes, a few followers of X tried to sabotage the construction. A
man put his socks in the engine of the steam roller; another man cut the wires of the driller and a woman
stole away the engineers’ and builder’s lunch! But the thing that set the builders behind schedule the most
was two big, ugly and furious bulldogs that chased the builders away! No matter how many delays or
accidents happened, the construction workers worked as hard as they could day and night to build the new
homes for dolphins so that they could live peacefully and happily until someone else destroy them.
Rebuilding the dolphins’ homes took half a year, and finishing the airport took another half a year. That is
why Hong Kong International Airport was opened a year later in July 1998, not July 1997.
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