HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 227

Fiction: Group 2
Minecraft: Dan TDM and the Battle against Denton
on the Pearl River Delta
German Swiss International Primary School, Li, Mohan - 8, Fiction: Group 2
an TDM woke up with a start. He looked around. He wasn’t in his lab any more but to him, this
place looked quite familiar. Suddenly a voice boomed: “Dan TDM, finally you have arrived!”
Dan looked in awe and shock at the person who spoke. He smiled back.
“Dr. Ryan Fu, I thought you died when Typhoon Usagi struck down that villain, Denton’s base.”
“Sadly Denton survived and is causing new mayhem. That’s why I asked Dr. Tryarrasu to send
you through a portal to the Pearl River Delta.”
“Now is he sending mutant zombies and mobzilas to tear up the Delta?” asked Dan.
“No.” replied Dr. Fu. “This time he is planning to unleash a wind mod into the Pearl River Delta.
While everyone is distracted, he will unleash an army of mutant mobs to destroy the Delta.”
“What am I supposed to do then?” asked Dan.
“Stop him! But you’ll get a bit of help from a robot suit.”
“A robot suit? What help can that do to me?” shouted Dan in frustration.
“There is no time to argue. Just put it on and I’ll show you how it works. Denton will strike at
midnight!” said Dr. Fu.
So Dan put the suit on and Dr. Fu taught him how it worked. When he finished, it was nearly
midnight. “Time to go.” signed Dr. Fu “Well, try your best not to be killed but you must save the Pearl
River Delta! Bye!” He shouted as Dan TDM blasted off with his jetpack from his suit.
Dan soared around the Delta for a few minutes until he saw Denton on the Hong Kong – Zhuhai
Macau Bridge. In his hand there was a device that set off the wind mod over Pearl River Delta when put in
lava. As Denton was about to throw it into lava, quick as a flash Dan TDM fired a blast from his plasma gun
and destroyed the device.
“Darn,” growled Denton and turned to face Dan. “You may have stopped part of my plan but the
Pearl River Delta will never be able to stand the countless numbers of attacks from my mutant boss mobs!”
And with that he punched a button and a panel shot open.
Dan couldn’t believe his eyes: There were uncountable numbers of them. Denton punched
another button. A speaker suddenly buzzed.
“Wave one ready!” Then he put on a helmet that could control mobs.
“Mor ha ha ha!” laughed Denton. “Go somewhere high for a grand view of the distruct….”
Before Denton could finish his speech, Dan blasted a hole in the bridge with his plasma gun and a
pink dolphin and a wave went through the hole and swept him off his feet.
“Aaggah!” cried Denton “You won’t get away with this!”
Dan ignored him and put on his helmet. Then he ordered the mutant boss mobs to go after him.
Suddenly Denton rose out of the water. He had a secret jet pack hidden on his back. Dan sent the mutant
bats and moths after him but he was too fast.
“Darn that little punk!” cried Dan. “We’re back where we started!”
Out of a sudden, Dr. Fu appeared again in a jet. He had Denton tied up and gagged. Dr. Fu said:
“Apparently I forgot to tell you something: Denton had secretly hidden a device on a skyscraper in the
Pearl River Delta that will recreate Typhoon Usagi. He plans to wreck the Pearl River Delta with it.” So
they both flew over to the skyscraper to stop the destruction of the Pearl River Delta.
When they flew over, they couldn’t believe what they saw. Inside the skyscraper, all of Denton’s
minions were working on activating a device.
“Oh no!” groaned Dan. “Luckily I brought some spare weapons just in case we need them. And
one of them is ultra-block of TNT.” said Dr. Fu. With that he threw it at the skyscraper.
Dan woke up looking at a blurry but familiar place. “Where am I?” groaned Dan.
“The explosion somehow transported us back to your lab. You have nausea and poison effect.
You should take a rest.”
“What about Denton?” asked Dan.
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