HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 234

Fiction: Group 2
The Fish-Spirit
German Swiss International Primary School, Wong, Claire - 8, Fiction: Group 2
ong ago, there was a fish-spirit who was also known as the water goddess. She had beautiful shiny
scales that gleamed in the moonlight. But three of her scales were enchanted and were precious and
rare. One day, the fish-spirit’s sister told her that when she turned 16, she would grow many magical
pearls. They were special because they could do things that the fish-spirit wished.
Years passed by, and the fish-spirit finally reached the age of 16. She was now the most lovely fish in the
world. She was believed to give good luck to people who needed help. No fisherman would dare catch her
or all the oceans, rivers, seas, lakes and ponds would turn dull grey. Fish-spirit’s sister also warned that if she
lost her pearls she would become the most horrible-looking spike fish. She could always use a bit of magic
from her pearls if she wanted to.
A couple of years later, news spread that a malicious devil had secretly trespassed the most sacred lake
because he was sick and tired of just being in own his palace and wanted to spread dark magic and rule the
lake. The fish-spirit was extremely worried. She prayed day and night that the devil would not destroy the
lake because the most important gods will be forever forgotten.
Desperately, she hatched a plan. She would have to ask her loyal guard to secretly drop one of her pearls
into the lake. The guard refused because he was scared that the devil will cast a spell on him. The, fish-
kept begging. Finally, the guard was willing to take on the treacherous task.
The pearl turned into a lovely and mysterious river, that started to split into little delicate branches. The
river was so misty, that the devil lost his way, gave up and headed back to his palace.
The fish-spirit’s friend told everybody this story, of the clever fish-spirit’s successful plan. Years later, the
fish-spirit was crowned the queen of the sea. This is how river was known as the Pearl River Delta, and
people call this story the legend of the Pearl River Delta.
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