HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 181

know who her parents are?” she asked her mom. Her mom took one look at Ria, and gasped.
“What’s wrong, mom? Do you know Ria or something?” Mia asked again. Her mom just stared
at Ria and after what seemed like a never - ending minute of silence she finally replied. She said,
“I do, she is the famous fortune teller’s daughter and she is part of our family darling.” she said in
a happy and surprised voice.
“Mom, what’s the mater? Are you saying that she is my sister? That’s impossible! Isn’t it?” Mia
asked her mom in shock.
Her mom lied in reply, “Yes, Yes, you’re right. She is not your sister or part of our family.
I’m sorry. I was thinking of someone else. Ria, do you have a mom and a dad? Do you have any
siblings? Have your parents told you anything that felt ... confusing to you?”
“Mom, STOP!!!!! Why are you questioning Ria so much? Can’t you just mind your own
business?! She is my friend and you do not need to know if she’s good enough for me because
that’s what you always do and that’s why I have no friends! So please, can you leave us alone?”
Mia asked her mum begingly.
“Now, if you would excuse me and let me have some time with my friend.” She walked off
pulling Ria behind her, grabbed a mug of tea. Ria just followed and also grabbed a mug of tea. She
shrugged at Mia’s mom.
When they were up stairs Ria said, “What was your mom expecting? Whatever!! Do you
actually think that she was telling the truth about us being sisters? There was something familiar
about all these questions. Don’t you think?”
“I think she kind of was telling the truth but i’m not too sure.... How about you? Do you think
it’s real?” Mia asked Ria.
“I think it’s true as well and it was awkward when she asked all those questions,” Ria said in
reply, feeling confused.
“Yeah. Let’s recall the questions and see what else seems a little out of hand, ok. She asked
you, ‘Ria, do you have a mom and a dad? Do you have any siblings? Have your parents told you
anything that felt confusing to you?’ That all sounds really confusing, so let’s writeit down on
paper. I’ll get paper and pens!” Mia said in excitement.
Ria said in reply, “Alright! I’ll watch out for the case that your mom comes up here. No offense
but she is quite weird and creepy, sorry.”
“No problem, I find my mom weird as well. She keeps saying, ‘Have you found anything out
about something awkward when you were in town?’ She also says, ‘You have powers like your
dad.’ Then she starts crying. Anything seem familiar?” Mia said to Ria, awkwardly.
“Yes, sort of. My dad asks whenever I come home from getting the fruits, ‘Anything unusual
darling?’ or ‘You ok? You look just like your mother, so proper but so unusual.’ Seems kind of weird
and then he also starts crying,” Ria said with a weird feeling. “Now go get that piece of paper!!”
But Mia had other ideas. “No. Maybe we should go to your dad and see how he reacts to my
appearance. OK?” she said with a thinking voice.
“Good idea....... Come on lets go!” Ria said with nervous look on her face. So, that was that and
they ran off to Ria’s house to see his reaction to Mia. Would he give them more clues?
As they arrived at the palace, Ria said,”Now, do not say anything, until I say, ‘Hello, King
Zukuri, can I please see my father?’ You only say, ‘Hello King Zukuri.’ Ok? Good. Let’s go.”
The proceeded to the King’s throne, and Mia did exactly what Ria said but to their surprise,
King Zukuri said sharply, “No. Your dad is busy with a visitor.” As much as Ria tried, King Zukuri
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