HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 210

The New Tale of Gobi Desert
Immaculate Heart of Mary College, Yeung Tsz In, Fiction: Group 3
hat are you doing in this morning in your room?” said mom.
“I am tidying up my things,” I answered. When I was tidying my old photos,
I saw a photo which was taken in the Gobi desert. It was an adventure which is
very important to my whole life. What a mysterious adventure it was!
This adventure took place in the Gobi Desert in 2005 during the summer holiday. It was about
8 years ago but I still remember every detail of this adventure. People may grow old, but this
memory of mine will never go away. It is always with me like a part of my body.
Tom, Jerry and I had been thinking of going to the Gobi Desert for a long time but we did not
have time to go. We finally agreed to go in the summer of 2008. That was really the only time we
could go, so we got everything ready for the trip one month in advance.
When we arrived at the airport of Mongolia, we were so thirsty so we went to a restaurant
first. We called our driver to drive us to the Gobi Desert. After a two-hour bumpy bus ride, we
saw a big piece of yellow land. There was a sign showing up the way to the Gobi desert.
“Let’s take a photo here! It is such a beautiful place!” Tom said.
Then we took a photo with our funny faces under the biggest tree in the Gobi Desert.
“This desert is very big!” Tom said.
“The sand of this desert is very soft and clean.” I said.
“The flowers here are beautiful! I must take some to my girlfriend when I go back to England,”
said Jerry.
Tom and I laughed at Jerry.
We decided to live here for a week to get to know more about the environment and the tales
of this dessert. When the sky turned dark, the people went back home, we went back to the hotel.
However, in this desert, there was no sign of anybody but just my friends and I.
“Do you know any tale of Gobi desert?” said Tom seriously.
“Is there any?” ask Jerry.
“It was about a few years ago. There were some adventurers like us. They went to the
Gobi Desert for adventure. They also stayed here for a week or two to know more about the
environment of but they all became monster,” said Tom.
“Why?” Jerry asked.
“They killed the cows which were living in Gobi Desert and ate them. They did not know
the animals they ate in the Gobi Desert would make them become monsters. The male became
monsters and the female became beasts. They lived here now and would come out to find their
food during night time. They will eat the people who stay here at night,” answered Tom.
“No kidding, Tom. It is not funny,” I said. “This is just tale, it is not true.”
“If you want to know the truth, you just need to stay here to know. One hour later, I am sure
they will come, then you will know if my words are true or not,” said Tom.
One hour later……
“Help!” cried Jerry.
Tom and I saw that Jerry was caught by a monster. We followed the monster and we went to
the cave of that monster. In the cave, we saw the cave which was like a prison. When we went
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