HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 213

fortune. A week has passed and we are halfway down our journey. Food hasn’t been a problem
since I‘ve been hunting for food. According to my map it should be one more week until I reach
the treasure. Luckily I haven’t met any bandits yet. I know for a fact that this desert is crowding
with them. I stop for a break, both me and my camel are tired. These long restless days can get on
my nerves. I grow homesick every day and wonder how my wife and kids are doing. NO time to
worry about that. I need to rest up and keep focusing on the journey at task. The following day I
set off for the treasure but on my way I spot a group of thieves in a distance. They look bad and
evil, probably looking for a lonely traveler like me to rob.
Luckily for me I have no valuable possessions. I press on and hope that they ignore me. As I
approach one of them shout: “Hey stranger!” I decide to ignore him but he rides in my direction
with the intention of not letting me pass. I kick my camel and settle for a bumpy ride.
The thieves chase me and I know it’s either going to be them or me. I reach for my pistol,
aim for the sky and fire a warning shot. They don’t even flinch. I dash for the oasis ahead and
try to hide in the bush. The thieves head toward my direction. Lucky for me there is a sandstorm
approaching and that could give me enough cover to make a run for it. I hold my pistol tight just
in case. The thieves lean in. Suddenly “WOOSH!” whipped up a sandstorm. The sandstorm was
so strong the thieves were blown away. I hop back on my faithful Camel and ride out. I cover my
face with a scarf and put on my glasses to try and avoid as much sand as possible fro entering my
eyes and mouth.
The sandstorm rages throughout the entire desert. I try and continue my journey but the
blazing winds are just too strong. In the distance I spot what looks like a cave entrance, so I
decide to take a chance and make a sprint for it. As I get closer I can clearly see that it is a big a
big cave. Hizenburger and I have shelter from the sandstorm for the next few days. I dust myself
off and start a fire to have light inside this dark cave. I set up my tent and consider myself lucky
that I managed to escape the bandits and the weather.
After two days the storm has passed. I am lying against a rock pondering at the map. I am
trying to retrace my steps since I got sidetracked during the storm, after careful observation I
have realized that this is the exact cave that holds the treasure. Therefore all I have to do is make
enough torches to last during my exploration of this deep cave. Now with my supplies in hand
I start to make my way through the narrow crevices of the cave. Deeper and deeper walking on
slippery rocks I inch closer to my fortune. Finally I reach my hardly earned treasure.
The challenge now is to carry as much as I can out of the cave and strap it back of
Hizenburger. I stuff every single pocket that’s on me and also my heavy duty rucksack. Finally, I
am dragging this bag full of jewels out and I can barely move since pants and shirts are oozing
with gold. I find Hizenburger just munching on hay just chilling while I struggle to drag this
treasure towards the cave entrance. I am exhausted but not time to waste surely the thieves might
be out and around. I take off some equipment that’s hanging from Hizenburger’s back and mount
on this heavy sack over his lumps.
After seven days of traveling with all this gold. I was lucky to not run into any thieves. My
luck finally turned after weeks of scavenging the Gobi Desert. I have hunted and eaten snakes.
I have survived a storm and got away from thieves. Now finally, I can see my wife and children
and can’t wait to tell them my adventure. This journey has given me the unforgettable memories. I
doubt that I will have the courage to go back to the desert alone again.
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