HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 347

You Passed
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, Emily Cheung, Fiction: Group 3
an… No time to sleep again.’ Luke wearily laid down in front of the computer simply
for a rest. He had been studying dead on his feet day in and day out for the degree of
medical, piling up tiredness, stresses and strains inside him.
‘People are out there complaining bunch of things again… I should have come up to
a rule to suppress them.’ Eric leaned against his armchair and took a sip of tea. It seemed there was
no sense of tenseness in him. He was just there, in his big office, peacefully enjoying his own life.
‘Just a few coins left, no dinner tonight…’ Oscar’s cold and bony body seemed to stagger while
walking. Feebleness in him could be obviously seen by anyone. But what could he do? He must
have got used to it. He must have accepted the fact that he may die in any second. The modern
world and the passion of life had left him alone for a long time already.
‘Something’s got to be changed!’ The little fairy said as she thought of a great idea.
BLING! Luke, Eric and Oscar came to a desert in a second. They all got their eyes popped out,
being astonished of where they were.
‘Hi, guys! I’m the little fairy, Tinker! No one called my name, though. Your life stories are…
Hmm… interesting! But you will find it meaningless one day, change! You ought to change! Now!’
A teeny shrilly voice came from nowhere, the three of them took a glance around, finally
locked their eyes on a little fly-like creature fluttering above them.
‘Aha! Gobi Desert! The most suitable place to make a change to your lives! Missions, missions,
missions! For you guys! ’ As this assured them there really was a fairy talking, as in like in fairy
tales, they were more astounded.
‘Why am I here! Can I go home! ’ ‘Oh! Am I dreaming! ‘ ‘Fairy! Why on earth there would be
a fairy!’
Yet, the little fairy calmly pleaded with a playful giggle. ‘Trust me! Hehe! You are going to get
out of here with a whole new soul! Somehow, the only way to leave here is to finish the missions!
Believe me!’
They ended up with no right to choose, the only way was to finish the mission right away
and… change? Just like what the fairy had said.
The fairy flew to Eric, flung her magic wand in circles and Eric came to a part of the barren
desert which the most eye-catching object turned out to be just a weak plant, as if it may die
because of a fragile touch. ‘Nurture this plant in ten days time! I will just give you clothes, food
and water during these days, ‘ said the fairy.
Also to Luke and Oscar, she flung the wand and sent them to some parts in Gobi Desert.
She sent Luke to a place where some nomads lived. ‘Live with them for 10 days! You will learn
many things from them, trust me. I’ll just give you a supply of cloth, food and water in these days.’
She sent Oscar to an absolutely barren part of the desert, then flung her wand again.
Suddenly, piles of high-technology devices and many sorts of the most updated things dropped
down to the sand from nowhere. The desert didn’t seem like a desert already. ‘Here, all high
quality products are here! the Gobi Desert needs a change too. Build up a modern world here in 10
days! Gobi Desert will have more and more desertification. You’re just provided clothes, food and
water these days.’
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