HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 477

out of nowhere and surrounded me. They were wearing some odd materials, but as simple as
caveman clothes. I quickly woke Jack up. We heard them saying something like “Woo are you?!
WOO DARES TO STEEL HOUR FOOD!!!” the man bellowed in a different accent. I answered back
in fear “we… we …’re lost and…” I hesitated, thinking about the food I gathered. They came closer
and quickly tied us up.
They forced us to walk behind one of their camel; they led us to an odd looking village. Then
there was a thin but tall man heading towards us. My stomach did a somersault as he came closer.
He hissed in clear English, “You people are thieves,” examining us and hesitated then whispered
“We’ll have to punish you for your crime.” He bellowed menacingly, “If you people try to escape,
then we kill you people!” The other people heard it were now hooting, clapping and laughing like
in a celebration. The thin man walked up and sat on a golden chair. I realized and it seemed that
the thin man was a king. I then noticed that in a distance there was a plane. Then I asked the
king “Your majesty, does that work?” the king hesitated and asked “You know how it works?!” I
was excited as I was thinking of a plan. “Oh sure, I know how to conduct it with my friend Jack.”
The king hesitated and asked “SHOW ME!!!” I then took Jack to the plane and found out it was
our very own Cessna! It was good as new! The king shouted “COME ON! SHOW ME!!!” I hurried
on to the seat, I couldn’t believe it. The plan was working! We started the engine and began to
move. The men watched carefully, not missing a movement. We quickly gained speed and the
next thing I heard was “STOP THEM!!! THEIR GETTING AWAY DIMWITS!!!” but too late, we were
off heading towards Japan with the fruit. Two hours later we arrived at the scientist’s lab and gave
them the fruit. The only thing I remembered was that we were awarded tons of money, we became
famous and promoted. All was nice compared to the adventure in the Gobi Desert.
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