HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 481

The Gobi Desert
Ying Wa College, Chun Yin Hugo Chan, Fiction: Group 3
nock! Knock!”, someone knocked on my door, “Coming” I said. “It must be my son’s
family.” I thought to myself. “Pound! Pound!” The knocking became louder. I opened
the door immediately and said, “Jimmy!” “Hey Dad,” said Jimmy, “Say hello to
Grandpa.” He said to the little boy. The little boy said, “Hi Grandpa.” “You must be
Fred. Come in, have a seat.”
They went into the house and sat down taking off their jackets at the same time. “I’ll get you
some tea.” I said. “I’ll get it Dad,” said Jimmy. “Where’s Maria?” I asked. “She’s working. She will
come here as soon as she can” said Jimmy. I looked at Fred, he was staring curiously around the
room. Then he asked, “Why is the whole village in red? The houses near you, your door and now
your room is red too. Why? Is it Grandpa?” he asked. I chuckled and said, “It’s the 14 of July in
the lunar calendar. The evil spirits come out on this day and haunt the living, but traditions said
they’re afraid of red. So that’s why our village is mostly red” “Oh!’ said Fred looking curiously
around the room. ‘Do you want to know the story behind it?” I asked. “Sure!” said Fred. “I love
ghost stories!” “No, Fred!” said Jimmy entering the room with two cups of hot tea in his hand. “But
Dad!” Fred pleaded. “It’s going to be fine. Besides, Fred is getting older now, he’s not afraid of ghost
stories.” I said. “Fine.” said Jimmy murmuring something under his breathe.
I sipped some tea to clear my throat, It all happened about 70 years ago in the 1400. There
was a strong evil released to the world. I was there to tell the tale. It all happened in a village
in Mongolia. There was a pretty girl named Bolorma, she was married to a Russian business
man. After a few years of their marriage, the Black Death broke out in Europe and it spread out
widely. Unfortunately, the couple were infected and died. Back in those days, the corpse must
be transported to the persons hometown and burial. But when they die, the couples were doing
business in Russia. So the servants of Bolorma’s family had to go and retrieve it. There were a
total of 10 strong men, healthy too. I was one of them.
“After retrieving the body, we have to go from the fastest route back to Mongolia. The only
option was to cross the Gobi Deserts. However, the conditions there were harsh, extreme weathers.
You may think this is the worst challenge for us. No, It was definitively not. The first day after
we arrived the desert, strange things happened, it rained. First, I have to say that deserts are the
driest places in the world, raining is possible but a rainstorm? It’s impossible. Lightning cracked,
making all men shiver. At night, it was the worst, there was a strong mist that fell upon us. The
feeling was uncomfortably cold and wet. However, we soon fell asleep. I didn’t know what actually
happened but Bam!” I said. Fred jumped. “Yeah, that’s how I reacted when I heard that.” I looked
around frantically, wondering if we were under attack. I drew my sword, I looked at my comrades
next to me, they were shocked, I can see their faces were as white as a sheet through the mist. I
followed their gaze and my legs buckled, it’s not happening! It must be the trick of the mist. But
it was so true it couldn’t be wrong. In front of us, where Bolorma rested, lie a broken tomb, the lid
fell off, cracked. Green light shone out of the tomb. We signalled one another and approached the
tomb. Slowly, we looked into it. I gasped, the body was gone, the tomb itself was shining. There
was a foul scent of death filling the air. Then, all of a sudden, a white figure came out of nowhere
and attacked my comrades with
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