HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 486

“We can’t stay outside, it’s getting dark now. Plus, the temperature is dropping. We’ve got to
find something to keep warm, Andrew!”
“Yes, the temperature might have dropped ten degrees by now. It’s lucky that our clothes dried
in the morning,” Andrew replied.
“I think we may need to stay near the wreckage of the plane. It might be warm there.
However, we might catch a glimpse of a ghost of Mr. Albert!” He crackled. Both friends laughed
so hard, it was the first time they had no worries in their mind. They returned to the plane’s
wreckage. Although it wasn’t on fire, the scene was still horrible. The good thing was, the metal
of the plane was as warm as a heater in the desert, the temperature of which was nearly fifteen
degrees below zero. They spent their first night in the makeshift shelter. Nothing was unusual.
The second day, they were woken up by a strange sound. Andrew looked outside, and saw a
sand hurricane on its way to the wreckage! They ran away as fast as they could. And when they
were safe, it was already at noon. They could feel the heat and the water evaporating. They hadn’t
eaten anything for days, and the heat was too strong to bear. Their brains protested and tried to
shut down.
“Let us find a place to rest. I think I am about to faint…” Harry said as he was walking
unsteadily. Suddenly, they saw a forest before them. They ran towards it but when they got nearer,
it disappeared. It was nothing but a mirage. They dropped onto their feet.
“I couldn’t stand the heat anymore. I need water.” Harry complained. Then, he fell unconscious
on the sand.
“Hey! Don’t lose your consciousness at this critical moment…” However, Andrew also fainted
before he could finish the sentence!
When they woke up, they were in a nice, comfortable tent.
“Where are we? Oh! So comfortable! Thanks for saving me, Andrew!”
“It isn’t-”protested Andrew but his sentence was cut by Harry’s ‘thank you’ speech.
“Anyways, thanks for saving my life! By the way, where on earth did you find this useful
tent?” “It isn’t me who set up this tent-” Andrew tried to explain.
“WHAT?” “I fainted, too! Someone brought us here!” said Andrew. They jerked up immediately
and saw a human skull placed at the entrance of the tent.
“ARGGGH!” they screamed. They rushed out of the tent and found a pack of huge camels in
front of them!
“ARGGGH!” they screamed louder.
An old man ran to them and asked what had happened. Harry, who was still catching his
breath after the run, said,
“There was a skull in front of me! And camels!” The old man laughed,
“Do you like my joke about the skull? Ha…” Andrew and Harry were very angry; they felt like
they wanted to punch this man for that horrible joke.
“Hey! Don’t be mad with me. I overheard your questions. First of all, here is the plain of the
Gobi desert. Second, this tent is mine. Third, I am the one who saved you two. Now, it’s my turn
to ask to ask. ‘Is there a huge fire ball landed near the Lake Luobu yesterday?’”
“Oh! The lake we landed is Lake Luobu!” The boys whispered.
“I thought I heard that you two were passengers of that flying object. Are there any
survivors?” asked the old man.
“Yes! Of course! Who do you think you are talking to now?” said Harry angrily. Andrew said,
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