HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 487

“Calm down! We still need his help.” He turned to the old man and said,
“Sorry for my friend’s rudeness. By the way, do you know how we can leave this desert and go
back to London?” Instead o answering, the old man looked up to the blue sky and said,
“London, my favorite place, I wish I could go back to London some time later.” Then, he told
the boys, “Go west and you’ll see a road, which was an ancient road to the west or north. If you
are lucky enough, you may visit the ‘Khara-Khorum & Erdene Zuu’ and ‘Kara-Hot, the Black &
Dead City’. Wish you two a good luck. I will offer two camels to you. Now, off you go and start
your journey!”
The boys thanked the old man and started their return journey. They left the Gobi desert
and followed the lakes in Mongolia. Finally, they went to Russia and received the news that their
families thought that they were dead. They were arranged to aboard the plane which flew back to
London and reunited with their family. Most of the dead bodies were transported back to Britain.
The funeral was held a month later. At school, everybody studied in a sad mood.
Several months later, Harry received an urgent call from Andrew.
“Quick! Harry! Come and see what I’ve found!” Andrew sounded both scared and excited.
When Harry arrived, Andrew welcomed him into his house; Andrew looked as white as a sheet of
paper as he showed him his discovery. It was an extract from a website. It said:
“Benjamin Collen was one of the best explorers in the world.
He was born in 1870 in London.
However, when he had a trip to China, he experienced a sand storm and died in the Gobi desert.
His body was still not founded”
There was also a photo of Benjamin Collen. “He was the old man we met!” Andrew screamed.
Then, Harry said, “We met a ghost and the skull was his…” They fainted again…
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