HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 484

to the town with the raw camel meat.
Back in town, he received medical treatment in the hospital for three weeks. His relatives were
relieved upon hearing the news of Tom’s arrival. After the treatment, he told his story to one of
his friends.
“Then, I was finally back. I miss my wife really much, but-” Then, he cried out loudly. While
he was grieving about the death of Sandy, his best friend, Sam, said.
“In your journey, I am most interested in the part of you eating raw camel meat. Can you
explain more about that part? What was the taste?”
Tom replied, still weeping, “Well, i-if you w-want to know m-more, I s-still have some of i-it.
You can t-try some of it.”
After eating the meat, Sam said curiously, “Tom, I think that it is not camel meat. I have a
friend who ate it once, and he said it didn’t have thin and slimy bones. I suggest you go to check it
at the lab.”
Tom replied, “I w-will check it as soon as p-possible. I am also curious about t-that if I am not
e-eating camel meat.”
Two months later, when the results were out, Tom committed suicide in his own house.
The result of the laboratory research found out that Tom had eaten human meat in the four
days of his journey back home, and the DNA result showed that the ‘camel meat’ was, in fact,
Sandy’s flesh. Tom was so guilty with himself that he committed suicide in his own house.
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