HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 769

New Tales of the Gobi Desert
The Chinese Foundation Secondary School, Wong Chi Sum, Fiction: Group 4
ave, a pilot under the British Royal Air Force, is a smart and hardworking person. In the
troop he was serving, everybody trusted and relied on him. His routine mission was to fly
around the bases of Great Britain, transporting required resources to their destination.
In 1938, the Second World War broke out. Dave was responsible for carrying
military supplies and weapons to the battlefield. Once, when he was flying his plane from England
to China, he suddenly lost all connections with the ground and he didn’t know where he was. He
didn’t know how much he left and he was just on the Gobi Desert.
A month later, two men in an oasis in the Gobi Desert were sitting beside a lake, chatting.
They had been living together for a period of time. One of them was Dave.
“Why would you come here?” John, the man living with Dave, asked.
“Actually, I have forgotten why I am here. I just remembered I somehow fell from the sky and
fainted. When I woke up, I was on this Gobi Desert.”
“Oh, really, I have a similar experience as you. I was caught by a group of kidnappers,
who had their base in the Gobi Desert. I was brought here and locked in a house. At first, the
kidnappers would come every day to take care of my basic needs, but later, they no longer
appeared. I then tried my best to escape from that house.”
“That is why you have some scars on your feet and on your hand.”
“Yes. By the way, how did you come to this oasis?”
“When I woke up, it was at noon. I was very dizzy at that time and wanna quickly find a
water source. Fortunately, a Bactrian camel just walked past me. I immediately ran towards it and
lay on its back. Then, I fainted again.”
“So you were taken here when you became conscious?”
“Yes. Just after a month I recovered from that worse condition, then I met you here.”
They chatted and chatted for a long time, and two of them lived on the oasis with each other.
Just after Dave disappeared, the Royal Air Force commander instantly carried out a large-
scale search because the resources he carried to China were very important. He asked all the
troops below him to fly around the area above China and look for Dave. However, after a long-
term searching, nothing was found.
Dave’s troop colleagues were very sad about that as he was a very friendly person. It is
exciting to cooperate with him. With no way to find him back, they let it go and continue their
In the desert, Dave and John have had many great times. They explored everywhere in the
oasis and built a shelter for living. They developed their own way of hunting food and made many
daily commodities such as clothes with their own knowledge. During their stay, they learnt much
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