HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 767

informer?” I am mad.
The knife is just an inch in front of my forehead. I felt like I was dreaming, their heads and
bodies seemed to be freeze. I was helplessly yelling, but none of them listened to my silent yells. I
don’t want to die because of a mistake.
Then, I hear some zooming engine, and sirens. The roaring noise seemed to be the lion in the
forest, the trio freed me away quickly, but I soon fell down because of the heat. Sand was splashing
and the desert is covered with tire marks. The police, luckily found me and the gang of teens.
Afterwards, I heard from the police that it was a mistake.
Three years ago, the Wroutcombe Bureau of Investigation took over a case. The case is a
copycat murder of the Black Bullets, a teen gang in the Mongolia. It is known that all members
of the gang owns a pentagon tattoo, as a symbol. And would always place a.38 bullet in the
deceased’s right hand. The police was finally able to track the gang down and managed to kill
twenty-two members in a hunt. After the incident, the remaining members of the gang developed
hatred towards the WBI and always wanted to destroy the department.
Recently, they found one of the spy informers of the WBI, and hoped to kill him. His name is
Jarred Humphrey. By mistake, the name is misspelt as Aubrey and they obviously looked for me.
They had been spying me for two months and knew that I had a bad relationship with my mom.
Finally, they managed to keep me in my own room and poisoned me.
When I was in the hospital, they pretended to be my mates, but their main aim was to kill me.
Finally, they found a silent and remote place. While I was still miserable and full of questions,
they nearly killed me. Whoa! This whole thing freaked me out!
After another week passed before I was released and sent home.
“Son! Oh my god, thank god you came back!”
I don’t know what to say, as it wasn’t the normal her. But finally I did forgive her and she
allowed me to open my own letters.
Not quite thrilling, but very exciting experience. I should begin to write my diary.
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