HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 760

at all, he decided to return to the tents. With his pathetic attempt, he finally decided to eat the
chocolate bar in the red bag. He simply was not happy at all. He found nothing but he ate food
in the bag. He knew that he would probably score negative marks. And he decided to go out even
after 6:00pm. He thought there may be some unique species coming out after 6:00 pm.
At night, Kelsi ate food in her red bag. She had almost finished all of the food inside the
bag. Joyce, had another wolves for her dinner. Roasted wolves with honey. Yummy. Troy, waited
Kelsi and Joyce to go to bed, he decided to go out and search for species. It was 9:00pm at night.
The Gobi desert was -20 degree Celcius. He put on all the clothes he had and went straight to the
desert again.
He was freezing. ‘ Why on earth is the Gobi desert freaking cold at night?’ Troy murmured.
To his surprise, he really could find a snow leopard. He took photos by using ‘night camera,’.
Unforunate, as the snow leopard saw him, it ran after him as if he wanted to kill and eat him.
Troy realized. He started to run. He went back to the tents.
Kelsi and Joyce, the innocents, were frightened when they found such noise. Noise from a Monster.
While both of them were judging what animal was that, they heard a noise.
‘No! Get out! Get out!.’ The voice of Troy came. Troy wanted to seek help from them.
Joyce brought a long knife with her, putting on all the clothes she had and went out of the
tent. The leopard was ON Troy’s body. It was really big, as big as a pony. Kelsi was far to sacred
and she decided to stay in the tent.
Joyce killed the snow leopard without taking a breath. Troy was safe.
‘You went out for more species, right?’ said Joyce angrily.
‘Hm, you know…’ explained Troy.
‘Remember what the judge had said ? No outing is allowed after 6:00 pm! It is very
dangerous!’ said Joyce.
‘yeah, I know. But just I cannot find animals in the desert at all. Well, except the horrible
snow leopard.’ Complained Troy.
‘Ah ha, some one violated the rules! ‘ said Kelsi sarcastically.
‘You, idiot shut up!’ said Troy furiously.
‘Don’t you know that it was very dangerous? You shouldn’t have done it!’ scolded Joyce.
Troy did not say anything. He regretted. He was sick of the game. He knew he could not win at all.
‘Bed time, good night !’ said Joyce.
‘Night, Joyce!’ Kelsi and Troy replied.
Both Kelsi and Joyce had a good night sleep. Last night sleeping in the Gobi desert.
Troy was still very afraid of what he encountered. The leopard was about to eat Troy. If Joyce
did not help, he would have been eaten up by the leopard.
On the next day, the last day of the game, Joyce cooked the last wolf for breakfast while Kelsi
successfully ate up all the food in her bag. Troy decided to eat an energy bar and tried to search
for the one last species.
He could finally find an eagle. He laughed. He thought that he may probably be the only one
who had the 2 photos though he was dead wrong.
Three of them started to pack their belongings.
The judge arrived at 4: 00pm.
‘Congratulations! Had fun ?’ said the judge.
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