HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 110

Fiction: Group 2
“If that is all that will save you,” Chui replied grabbing his torn, useless fishing net, “I’ll get some!”
Chui marched boldly to the riverside, the handle of his net clutched tightly in his hand. He sat down in the
mud and began to mend its gaping holes. Just as he was threading the last piece of straw between the broken
stubs of string he saw a small pile of tiny orange balls bobbing effortlessly across the water. He slid the edge
of his net across the still, slimy surface of the water then began to pull the small balls towards him. Once the
balls were sitting gently in his palms he knew what he had found. Chui was holding a pile of freshly laid fish
Chui closed his fingers around his precious fish eggs.
“These are vital for grandma’s life,” he thought. “I must get them to her quickly or she will die”. He set off
at a run, almost tripping over the leg of a tall, thin man. It was Lang’s father. Chui looked up into the deep
brown eyes above him, a worried expression stared down back. Lang stood next to him, his eyes fixed on
the floor. “The fish there...there….”
“All dead” his father completed, looking up “there aren’t any eggs, our fish are extinct.”
Chui turned on his heels and ran as far away as he could, sweat mixed with tears trickling down his cheeks.
He paced up and down the riverside. “What should I do” he mumbled desperately “Should I place these
eggs on the river to grow and sustain our fish and food?” He stopped, and then thought of his grandma,
sitting innocently in her bed, smiling gently up at him. “Her time is running out, without these she will
die.” He stood there silently.
What could he do?
What would you do?
Cover...,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109 111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,...573
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