HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 111

Fiction: Group 2
The Pearl River Delta Adventure
Clearwater Bay School, Kundamal, Rhea - 10, Fiction: Group 2
y head was spinning, suddenly I remembered something, today was my tenth birthday! I saw a
huge pile of presents at the end of my bed. I really did not like waking up early in the morning.
I am more of a night owl than an early bird. I groaned, it is soo annoying having to wake up
early. My name is Abigail Frizwoltzy. I jumped out of bed wanting to open my presents. I have waited for
this day for three hundred and sixty four days! I had a present from Mrs. Buckow, my old and super boring
next door neighbour. I unwrapped all my presents leaving Mrs. Buckow’s out. Finally, I found the nerve to
open her present, which was a book about the Pearl River Delta’s history. Then, my Mum came into the
room and said Happy Birthday! She told me Mrs. Buckow was coming over at noon. In the living room,
Mrs. Buckow was talking to my family. She asked me if I liked the book she gifted me. I had to say yes so I
wouldn’t be rude, even though the real answer was no…
Before going to bed that night, the last thing I did was look at the book Mrs. Buckow gave me. I was in
China in the year 1000 BC. Just to check if it was real I pinched myself. Mrs. Bukow’s book had special
powers to whirl me back in time. A butterfly flew towards me. She told me her name was Mei-Ling Chang
and she was exactly the same butterfly as the one in the book, except she was purple not orange. At first, I
was shocked that she knew how to talk, but soon I calmed down. I asked Mei-Ling why she was purple,
and she replied that it is my favorite colour. Then Mei-Ling told me she was actually a human, but she had
the power to change into any desired animal and in any colour she wanted. She could grant anyone a
magical wish. The butterfly then asked me if I wanted a wish. I shouted out “YES PLEASE”. I wished for
special powers. “Sure, but I should give you your powers near the river delta Mei-Ling whispered to me.”
Why I asked, but Mei-Ling just smiled and told me to follow her... I sighed and started to follow Mei-
Ling. Mei-Ling warned me that any special powers have a responsibility. If your powers are used for bad,
your powers will disappear forever and if used for good, your powers will increase. What does that mean I
asked Mei-Ling, “You will find out soon” replied Mei-Ling…
I followed a path to the river, and decided to swim. Suddenly, I noticed a creature with a shiny necklace. I
swam to have a closer look. I realised it was a crocodile with a pearl necklace! I opened my mouth to scream
but no sound came out. I was frightened! I looked around, desperate for help but no one was around me. I
glanced around seeing if there was anything I could hold on to as I was getting tired. I saw a huge oak tree
which seemed very strong. I looked back to see where the crocodile was, and realised that it was sixty
centimetres away! I swam frantically to the edge daring not to look back. When I reached the end, I took a
deep breath and tried to reach for the bark of the tree. Gasping for breath, I got hold of the bark and pulled
myself up and reached safety on land. I looked back to check where was the crocodile and surprisingly
enough the animal was changing into a girl with long shiny black hair with dark brown eyes. The necklace
which the crocodile wore was disappearing into the water making the water look pearly, shiny and really
gorgeous. The water had a turquoise blue colour, like the waters of Mauritius but with an extra shimmer. I
looked closer and the crocodile was Mei-Ling! She came out of the water and told me that this was a test
and that I passed the test, because I did not use my powers to save me…
While walking to Mei-Ling’s hut, she told me that my powers will become weaker when I go back home.
She added that I will go to the future where I belong...
When I woke up, I was back in my own comfortable bed in 2015 Hong Kong. I was thirsty and wanted
water. I eyed my desk, looking for my water bottle. I decided to test my powers. I put my hand out claw
like and tried to get my bottle. Sure enough, Mei-Ling was right, my powers were weaker. I was feeling a
bit drowsy when I finished getting my bottle. I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened my door
and saw my mum. I told her about the adventure I had. She told me that Mrs. Buckow was coming over,
and that maybe I could tell her about my adventure too...
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