HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 120

Fiction: Group 2
“ Your Majesty, there are actually nine dragons, including you, because you wear dragon robes!”. The
emperor, his soldiers, and his generals laughed really hard. Since then, the place was called Nine Dragons.
Tony indeed went on a hike in Kowloon Mountains. He was thrilled to see high and crowded buildings
and the busy Victoria Harbor way down below. Suddenly, he felt somebody patting his shoulder. Tony
turned around. He could hardly believe that a little dragon was standing right next to him. The dragon said
hello to Tony, and Tony said hello to the dragon. The dragon and Tony played some games. The dragon
taught Tony how to do tricks, Tony taught the dragon how to play “Teddy in the middle”. The dragon
sang a dragon song. Tony sang a teddy song.
Tony asked the dragon: “Why do you look different to the stone carving in Shenzhen and Guangzhou?
You have normal teeth, warm and kind eyes, no scary expressions, only cheerful, happy faces.” The dragon
answered: “ People want us to look scary to scare away devils.” The dragon said that he came to meet
Tony because he knew that Tony was very interested in dragons. Tony realised that his wish in Nine
Dragon Spring had come true!
Tony said bye to dragon because Tony heard that dragons need to fight bad sprits, so he didn’t want to
waste the dragon’s precious time. The dragon also told Tony to come again someday. Then he flew away.
Tony was overexcited, he definitely wanted to meet the dragon again. He thought, when he got home, he
would tell his mum and friends a lot of things about nine dragons in the Pearl River cities.
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