HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 119

Fiction: Group 2
Tony's Trip to Pearl River Cities
Clearwater Bay School, Zhu, Edward - 8, Fiction: Group 2
ony was a curious little teddy bear. He loved to travel and explore.
One day, he told his mum: “I’m bored. I want to go to China for a holiday.” “Of course you
can,” said Tony’s mum. “But China is huge, which part do you want to go to?” Tony pointed at a map,
“look, this is Pearl River, I want to go to big cities Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong near the river.”
“Very good,” said Tony’s mum, “but don’t get into trouble.” “My pen pal Jianyi lives in Shenzhen. I’ll visit
him,” said Tony.
He sent a message by computer to Jianyi. Then he put on his favourite T-shirt and hat, snatched his
camera and passport, got a handful of money from his pocket money jar, and grabbed his luggage. He
caught a bus to the airport.
Guangzhou was Tony’s first stop. It is an old and modern city. Tony heard that the biggest park of
Guangzhou is in White Cloud Mountain. Tony went there and he took a cable car to the top of the
mountain. It went over clear streams, over giant trees, over old temples, and over fresh wild flowers. The
view was lovely. Tony took a lot of pictures.
When he got off the cable car, he found a sign saying: “Nine Dragon Spring 50 meters away”. Tony
followed the sign. He saw nine dragons stone reliefs carved on a wall. Under it was a small pond. The
dragons had furious faces and black scales. Tony felt a bit scared. But an old man told Tony that the dragons
were good and protected people, you should not be afraid of them. The old man also said: “Do you see
that hexagonal basket over there? If you throw a coin in it, your wish will get granted by the dragons”.
Tony threw a coin and whispered a wish. The coin landed in the basket! Tony was excited.
Tony then went to Shenzhen. It was a young city. Jianyi greeted him in the train station. “Hi Tony! Did
you have fun in Guangzhou?” Asked Jianyi. “Wonderful! Enjoyable! Fun!” answered Tony. “Where shall
we go first?” Jianyi said: “How about Happy Valley?” “I have played in similar parks, is there anything
else?” Tony said. “Let’s go to Splendid China! You’ll see lots of new things” Jianyi told Tony.
They rented a double-seated motorbike and drove to everywhere in the park. They took turns to drive and
take pictures. They saw a mini version of the Great Wall. They saw models of different ancient cities. They
saw statues of famous people that lived in China a long time ago. Tony was stunned when he saw a stone
wall carved with nine dragons! “Wow! This park also has dragons too! How interesting!” said Tony to
Jianyi. Tony and Jianyi jumped off the motorbike and grabbed their cameras and took loads and loads of
pictures. “Are these dragons same as the dragons in the White Cloud Mountain?” asked Tony. “No, the
nine dragons here came from the north, the nine dragons in Guangzhou were from the south. A legend says
that the south dragons dug nine holes in the top of the White Cloud Mountain. Later, cool fresh water flew
out of the holes. The people called it Nine Dragon Spring.”
When Tony or Jianyi felt tired, they bought each other an ice popsicle. The one Tony got had a wrapping
with a picture of a dragon licking an ice cream. “Wow! Do dragons like ice cream too?” Tony wondered.
A perfect tour in Shenzhen was nearly over. Jianyi asked Tony where his next stop was. “Hong Kong”
said Tony. “ Then where in Hong Kong?” asked Jianyi. “Ocean Park? Disneyland?” “No, I played in
Ocean Park and Disneyland in America,” answered Tony. Jianyi suggested him to hike in the mountains of
Kowloon. “Do you know the meaning of Kowloon in Chinese?” asked Jianyi, “Kowloon means nine
dragons in Chinese!” “Good! That is very interesting!” said Tony. Jianyi told Tony a legend about
Kowloon. Long, long time ago, an Emperor came on a holiday in the mountains. The Emperor said:
“Wow! These eight mountains look like eight dragons sleeping on the ground!”. But his adviser said:
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