HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 103

Fiction: Group 2
Crash Landing
Chinese International School, Lee, Winston - 11, Fiction: Group 2
see beautiful mountains and lofty trees and a wonderful sky. But the most beautiful thing is the Pearl
River because the river is shiny like diamonds and the river looks perfectly well with the light fragrant
shining through the enormous dark blue sea. I heard some rumors that the Pearl River is filled with
fishes and treasures. I can only see spots on the river but I know those tiny dots were treasures underneath
the shiny river.
I am Chesley Sullenberger and I am traveling to HK to see the amazing statues like the Buddha
which I hope will keep me entertained. We are still in the middle of the flight but I cannot wait to see all
those breath taking superstructures.
I start to get slumber some, I blink my eyes several times but it doesn’t help. I think, “I will just
take forty winks.” And then my eyes shut...
"Brace yourself! Brace yourself! We are going down!" Shouted the decrepit stewardess who was
running around the plane madly.
My eyes fly open and I look around catching glimpses of people running around the plane. I go
frozen stiff thinking that this is the end of me and my yummy crunchy Oreos that are sitting on my lap
when I suddenly hear another shout from the pilot saying that the passengers should all wear the life jacket. I
look around the plane which was already tilting ready to push me off, when suddenly I catch sight of a very
old and broken life jacket in front of me which probably would do no help.
I look frantically for my dad but when I see him he is staring at the "Need Assistance" button
pressing it wildly. I try to talk some sense into him but he just keeps screaming," I need assistants! Someone
help me! “
After a few minutes, I give up on him and go searching for the stewardess for an extra life jacket.
But, I could not see her anywhere. Finally, I see a burly strong man who asks me who I was looking for. I
tell him I am trying to find the stewardess and he replies that the stewardess had her personal parachute and
left the plane without us. I am starting to get nervous, I think, "Who is flying the plane?" A cold trickle of
sweat ran down my cheek.
When the man answered," No need to worry though, my brother, the captain is making the plane
slow down. So everything is going to be all right." I wanted to ask him if he could read minds, when
suddenly I heard the captain shout, “Go sit on your seat and buckle up! We are going to crash land!
I rush back to my seat and squeeze my eyes, scared that I would die when all of a sudden the plane
toppled over and my stomach did a backflip. I stand up and throw up on the ground and finally fainted......
A few hours later I wake up in the hospital and see my dad, mom and sister standing next to me
sighing in relief that I am fine and not hurt. Later, they explained that they will be having a party for the
captain because he saved all of us. Right before crash landing, the captain saw the pearl river, and he flew
the plane into the river and saved many lives.
Later in the party, I walked up to the captain who was talking to some reporters and thanked him for
saving all the passengers. The captain answered," You know what? Maybe someday you will save people."
I believed what the captain said and later, after thirty years I saved a hundred and fifty five people.
Can you guess what my name is? You can call me Chesley Sullenberger.
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