HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 12

Fiction: Group 1
The Time Machine
French International School - Primary Section, Sani, Zaide - 8, Fiction: Group 1
nce upon a time there lived a little boy named Baymax. He loved the idea of time travel. One day
he was walking along a side street in Kennedy Town, when he saw a tiny little, strange-looking toy
store. There was a sign outside that said,“Toy Time Machines For Sale”, so naturally, he went in.
The shop was quite creepy looking, and the owner was a very, very old Chinese man, but he had a toy time
machine sitting on the counter. Baymax had just enough money, so he bought the toy time machine.
So he went home and opened the box and pulled out the machine. It didn’t look like a toy one. No, no! It
looked like a real one. Baymax said “The toy looks real, so I’m going to try it!” So he set the time to China,
1947. He walked into the portal and he waited three seconds … then he was in China in 1947!
When he walked out of the portal, he found a backpack. He opened the pack and there were seven things
inside: soap, lots of cheese, lots of bread, a battery-powered portable microwave, toothpaste, toothbrush and
water. So he picked up the pack and carried on walking.
Baymax first saw a bicycle shop. Baymax went in. There was a poor old man. The old man was selling the
bikes. So Baymax asked the old man if he could buy one. He said,“How about I give you a bike if you give
me that soap in your transparent backpack?” Baymax said,“Deal!” So they made the trade.
Baymax hopped on the bike and rode to a hut. At the hut, there was no one around. Baymax screamed,
“Hello!” But there was no response. He screamed it again, but there was still no response. So he walked into
the hut and put the bag down. He went to look around and he saw a room. He opened the door slowly, and
it made a very weird creaking sound. He went inside and to his surprise he saw a bed and a bathroom. He
said to himself,“Wow! I can stay here!”
It was getting late, so he pulled out his load of cheese, and his load of bread, the microwave and his bottle of
water. That night he made a grilled cheese sandwich. After that he pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste
and brushed his teeth. Then he went to bed.
When he woke up, he put his pack on his back and got onto his bike and went to the portal and set the time
to Hong Kong, 2015. He waited 3 seconds, and before he knew it, he was back home. He said to himself,
“I’m going to keep this time machine until I am older, and if it still works, I will definitely use it again.”
What an adventure! And it all started when he bought a toy at a shop in Hong Kong!
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