HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 6

Fiction: Group 1
Saving the Pearl River from Pollution
Bradbury School, Chow,Amelia - 7, Fiction: Group 1
ear the polluted Pearl River Delta, there lived an eagle named Gemma. She had one fake wing
drilled into her body. She was outraged by what happened to her real wing.
Twelve years ago, when Gemma was 2 years old, there was a factory that designed, shaped and colored
different kinds of handbags and jewelry.That factory produced a lot of smoke. Gemma was flying back home,
but Gemma fell through the air and one of her wings was caught on a branch.This is because the visibility
was low and toxic smoke filled the air. Gemma couldn’t see clearly.The chemicals that are used to dye the
color of the handbags also made the river polluted.
The next day, Gemma was brought to an animal clinic, and a bunch of vets screwed a fake wing into her body.
In the afternoon, the owner of the factory, Bob, walked around and saw an eagle’s wing on the ground.Then,
a vet passed by and said,“Oh, we have just finished an operation for the poor eagle and we have successfully
drilled a fake wing into her body.” Bob thought about why he is running the factory just to raise money, and
he thought about Mother Nature. He changed his factory into an environmentally friendly eco system. Bob
made his crew to help him to set it up.
After one month, there was no more smoke and toxic chemicals polluting the river and the air.There are no
more animals being hurt.There is a lot of space for the children to play.The animals have grown a lot.The
flowers are blooming beautifully, the grass is as soft as cotton, the sky is clearly blue, the sun is brightly shining,
and the birds are flying swiftly through the sky.
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