HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 147

Fiction: Group 2
“Check this out, a scroll that dropped out of the
By successfully completing the second part of your quest, deciphering my riddle; I bestow you with a
unique purse, it will prove to be useful. It’ll be your guide for completing the next task.
They found a tiny silk purse in the shape of a dolphin embroidered with slithery scales. Then, their
surroundings became a swirl. A portal led them to Guangzhou.
“I smell water! We’re at a harbour! And it’s the Pearl River Delta, the natural habitat of the Chinese
White Dolphin and theWhite Cloud Mountain Minnow, possibly extinct in the wild!”
Ruth and Clement plunged into the waters to look for a kind of fish that matched their specimen while
Jasper looked for signs of the dolphins on their boat.
As Ruth prepared to dive, a blur of white whisked her off. She was abducted by the Chinese White
Dolphins. Clinging on to the dolphins’ backs for dear life, Ruth barely dodged a shard of glass, when a bottle
hit her hard in the face, knocking her out cold.
“Where am I?” asked Ruth after recovering from her blackout. She realized to her astonishment that she
was floating in murky water surrounded by human junk! Where does this garbage come from? Why am I
even here? She thought. As if to taunt her, she turned around and many pairs of beady eyes were staring at
her, freaking her out. “The sacred Chinese White Dolphins’ habitat is of such an unbearable condition?
That’s polluted oil from factories!” Adamant to report this, Ruth collected a water sample using bottles
floating around her. Grabbing a large plastic bag floating nearby, she shoved in as much garbage as she could.
As she cleaned up the place, she felt the expectant eyes of the dolphins on her. After tying sturdy knots with
pieces of string, she thought she heard a Chinese White Dolphin say thank you! Without warning, she was
carried off again, triumphant on the back of a dolphin. As soon as Jasper and Clement spotted her, everyone
breathed a sigh of relief.
“Guess we’ll get another message to say we’ve passed the third part of the game,” Ruth remarked. “You
did?” Ruth smugly told them about her encounter with the elusive Chinese White Dolphins. “You really
care about animals! Hey, why’s the surface of the river glowing?”
In your ethical ways, my region you emancipate,
Unbinding me from all my burdens, you restore,
Me to my anterior illustriousness, granting me immortality.
The formidable knife may still lurk in the shallows of the river,
Its stab might be of dire consequence,
But your contribution, above all, is perpetual,
Our omnipotent sword and shield.
Your palatable enterprise shall be honoured,
Engraved on theWhite Clouds.
Pearl River Delta
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