HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 137

Fiction: Group 2
The Delta Prophecy
Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division, Lok, Ka Hei Harvey - 11, Fiction: Group 2
oseph in Hong Kong was having a bad day. He was told off by Mr. Yau for sleeping during class and sent
to see Mr. Wong, the Principal. When walking back to the classroom, he was approached by Mr. Wong
who told him to run, saying the Destroyers are coming. Suddenly, there was a blast that killed Mr.
Wong. Agents scrambled in the school, searching for Joseph, who ran until someone grabbed him.
On the other hand, Sally in Macau was having a great day-until she went home and found a note from the
Destroyers telling her to leave. Her mother was shocked when she found the note and took a helicopter to
Hong Kong, muttering about a prophecy coming to fruition. Sally began searching about the Destroyers
when suddenly her mother knocked her out cold.
Joseph and Sally find themselves in a room with their older counterparts from the future (with Future Sally
in the guise of Sally’s mother). They came here to help them to stop the Destroyers from finding a treasure
near the Pearl River Delta. The Destroyers planned to destroy the Pearl River Delta and the cities nearby.
They received a prophecy:
The Prophecy is coming to fruition.
When East meets West.
The light will lead the way.
The treasure won’t be discovered.
Until it is revealed by itself.
And what matters less becomes most.
The Pearl River Delta will be destroyed.
Unless the identity is uncovered.
They were soon attacked by the agents of the Destroyers. The team was protected by the Protectors who
stalled the agents as they climbed into a jet and flew back to Macau.
The children then realized that the line “When East meets West” meant that when Chinese culture meets
European culture. HK and Macau also have some of both cultures. Upon realizing that, a white orb
appeared, leading them to a cave near the Pearl River Delta.
Along the way in the mountains, there were attacked by Strongarm, second-in-command of the
Destroyers. The team battled him but soon realized that they are no match for him and, using a portal gun,
sent him to the Artic, where he was frozen in ice.
During the battle, the children were separated from their counterparts and were afraid. They stayed there
but no one came. They then went up a high mountain and found their future counterparts searching for
them. They were soon reunited.
Continuing their journey, they were captured by the Destroyers top agents, Team Destruction. They
quickly escaped from their grasp and arrived the cave.
Inside the cave, they were attacked by their own future counterparts, revealing that they are cyborgs (that
became insane) created by Joseph and Sally’s future counterparts and were actually the Destroyers’ leaders.
They also revealed that the “Protectors” were actually the Destroyers and vice versa. The real future
counterparts of Sally and Joseph came through a portal with the Protectors, attacking the Destroyers while
the two rushed to the treasure.
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