HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 148

Fiction: Group 2
The Pearl of China
Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Ma, Sin Ching Alexa - 9, Fiction 2
nce upon a time in China, there were two sisters who loved each other dearly. The elder sister
was called Huo and the younger sister was called Shui. They were the spirits of the Fire and the
Water respectively.
There had been rumours of Shui becoming the Ruler of All Spirits. Huo was furious about that.
Having her younger sister as the Ruler of All Spirits? No! Her mind was coming up with a plot to kill Shui
so that she would be the Ruler. She was never the kind and generous Huo again, never again.
Shui’s only enemy was Ri, the spirit of the Sun. Huo hoped to befriend her to get more power.
“Why on earth would Huo want to befriend me? I’m her sister’s enemy!” thought Ri in doubt. But when
Huo told Ri about her plot to kill Shui, Ri agreed to help.
In the bamboo forest, Shui was singing happily and didn’t know Huo and Ri had been spying on
her all along. She saw an injured snow leopard struggling nearby and went there to see what was happening.
Using her new healing powers, she helped the snow leopard recover. Meanwhile, Ri and Huo were hiding
behind a clump of bushes, with a gold Lightning Dragon and a silver Thunder Dragon by their sides. “Her
power has now increased to healing! I think there isn’t much time left before she is crowned as Ruler!”
whispered Huo, and Ri nodded. They climbed up their dragons and flew back to Ri’s Palace of Gold to
discuss their plan to kill Shui.
Midnight came. Strong winds blew. Shui was woken up by beams of red light flashing in the
distance. They were coming towards her! She was petrified. She ordered the army of green Jade Dragons
and blue Water Dragons to protect her and her Palace of Crystal. Shui’s Water Dragons summoned a
powerful wave of water against the beams of red light. The light was drowned out. Shui was relieved and
thought she had succeeded in driving them away. Suddenly, a huge army of Lightning Dragons and
Thunder Dragons launched an attack from the sky. A Lightning Dragon grabbed Shui with its claws and
took her to the Palace of Gold.
In the Palace of Gold, the Lightning Dragon brought Huo and Ri the unconscious Shui. When
Shui woke up, she saw Huo dressed in a gown of evil fire.
“What has brought you to the darkness and evil? You have betrayed me and ruined our name as
spirits! Why did you do this to me?” asked Shui feebly.
“I heard that you will be crowned the Ruler of All Spirits. I am and you’re not!” sneered Huo.
“Dragon! Bring the prisoner to the deepest dungeon in the palace and send her to her death when the sun
rises!” ordered Huo and Ri in unison. The Lightning Dragon took Shui and threw her into a dungeon.
In the dungeon late at night, Shui was devastated. Just as she was weeping, her tears fell onto the
floor and from them sprouted leaves! The plant grew and grew, reached the top and cracked the roof of the
dungeon. Shui climbed up the plant and escaped. She immediately ran through the gates of the palace and
whistled for her Jade Dragon to come. She sat on the Jade Dragon’s back and escaped to Hong Kong.
Unfortunately, the noise alerted one of Ri’s Thunder Dragons. The Thunder Dragon secretly
followed the runaway prisoner. It then flew back and reported to Huo and Ri. Huo and Ri were so
shocked to learn that Shui had escaped. They commanded an army of Lightning Dragons and Thunder
Dragons to hunt Shui down.
Shui arrived in Hong Kong and thought that she was safe. “Thanks, buddy. You saved my life!”
exclaimed Shui to her Jade Dragon. As she reached out her hand to pat her dragon,“BOOM!”, a thundering
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