HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 150

Fiction: Group 2
The Wraths of the Pearl River Delta
Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Miu, Audrey Riqing - 10, Fiction: Group 2
he blustering wind whistled mockingly. Even the grinning moon, who used to be my only comfort,
was telling me, “Your family is gone. It’s no use fretting about it now.” I inhaled the salty ocean
air. A sudden swish of overwhelming memories stirred; agonizing memories I would rather forget…
It was during my school year at HingYuan High School. As usual, I was daydreaming in class when
it happened. I was called to the headmaster’s office and he told me the news: My aunt, my only guardian,
had died in a car crash. At first, I wanted to force myself to laugh, dismissing it as merely a feeble joke, but
then it all began to sink in. My aunt was gone. I was an orphan once more.
I pushed away the memories, aware of the tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt like I did not belong
to this world.
I walked slowly into the heavily polluted waters of the Pearl River Delta. It was as if there were
magnetic forces pulling me deeper and deeper into the murky waters. The tide was rising gradually. A series
of images flashed through my head, images of my mother before she died, my aunt, my best friend Jess...I
felt the first few ice cold droplets of water upon my rigid body…then I plumaged into a world of pitch
When I came to, I was in a different place; a world of strangeness yet beauty, unlike any I had ever
seen before. I blinked, wondering if I had been sent to hell due to my thoughtless actions that had caused
everyone I loved so much pain. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over me. I turned, prepared to face the worst;
but what I saw rendered me speechless. In front of me was a tall creature with magnificent golden, purple,
translucent wings; hungry bloodshot eyes embedded on its nine wrinkled faces. I gaped at it in shock, not
only because of its horrifying appearance, but also because of a sickening realization: it was, unmistakably of
a Hydra.
The Hydra gave a deafening roar, then lunged at me, deadly claws extended. However, it was just
a threat. The Hydra was no doubt the most murderous, most powerful sea monster ever. I felt uneasy, a
feeling of dread washing over me. The Hydra inched forward, then sneered at me; a sinister, evil smile, and
stretched out its heads, howling, “Well, well…welcome to my City of Doom! I’m glad you chose to come
to the Pearl River Delta. However, you have disturbed my continent, and idiotic children like you get
severely punished. You will lose your eternal freedom!”
That was when I came to my senses. “You…you’re not real! You are just a fictional character from
Percy Jackson!”
The Hydra cackled. “If I were not real, why am I looming over you? You naive creature! You don’t
deserve to live!”
“How dare you…!” I spluttered.
“How dare what?” the Hydra hissed. “You humans always choose to live the easiest life by running
away from reality; not even passing my ‘Test of Freedom’. Look at me: I have to protect the rivers where
different challenges await me; yet, I never complain or escape,” the remark of the Hydra was bitter, as it
recollected the cowardice of humans. I wanted to make a snappy retort, but I knew it was true - at least in
my case.
However, a few words alerted me. “Test of Freedom?” I asked, trying in vain to hide my curiosity.
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