HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 152

Fiction: Group 2
The Legend of Mount Danxia
Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Ng, Hei Man Jolie - 9, Fiction: Group 2
long time ago, when there were still no mountains in Guangdong Province, there were two large
villages with many fishermen. They were always fighting over fishing territory. For many
generations, the people fought against one another. Many fishing boats had been destroyed and
many people had been killed.
In the fishing village at the east side of the shore, there lived a family of seven. The five brothers
didn’t like their father fighting with the fishermen from another village. Sometimes, their father came home
with injuries. The brothers wished all the fishermen would live in peace, so they went to see the God of the
Four Seas to ask for more fish so the fighting would stop.
After hearing what the oldest brother had said, the God of the Four Seas said, “There are two
things I want in exchange for my granting of your wish. Firstly, get me the magic paintbrush that is kept by
the Goddess of Sunset. Secondly, I want the vase of holes from which no water can ever leak out from the
giant who watches over the four treasure troves for the Leader of Gods and Goddesses.” He grinned with
greed. It was an impossible task for anyone.
Without hesitation, the five brothers set off to their first destination. To get to the palace of the
Goddess of Sunset, they had to sail the seven seas. Along their way, they met some crafty sea monsters who
tried to sink their boat. However, the brothers were skillful and brave sailors. With great efforts, they
managed to reach the palace.
The Goddess of Sunset was very kind and felt touched by the brothers’ determination. In order to
make peace, she let them borrow the magic paintbrush for three years.
“Remember to return it in three years’ time. If not, I’ll go after you,” warned the Goddess of
Sunset. The five young men nodded their heads and left with the treasure. Deep at the bottom of their
hearts, they knew they would never return the paintbrush and she would never forgive them. They had to
think of a plan to deceive her.
Sailing on the rough sea for seven months, the five brothers finally arrived at the treasure troves of
the Leader of the God and Goddess. They crept onto the shore and headed straight to look for the giant
who always guarded the treasure troves. He had never left the red door before. The only way to distract him
was to set a fire nearby. The youngest brother disguised himself as the giant’s servant.
“Fire, fire! Master Giant! There is a fire in the treasure trove in the east. It is burning fiercely.
Hurry, hurry!” exclaimed the “servant”. The giant raced off.
While he was running to the scene of the fire with his “servant”, the other four brothers dashed
into the treasure trove in the north and stole the exquisite vase. Very soon, the giant realized that he had
been tricked by the five rascals. He was fuming with anger and stomping his feet, but the brothers had
already slunk away.
Their missions were completed and the five brothers retrieved the precious treasures demanded by
the God of the Four Seas. Gladly, he released schools of fish into the nearby waters of the two fishing
Peace was restored. No more quarrels or fights among the fishermen ever again. The five brothers
were happy to lead peaceful lives. Gradually, they forgot about their promise to the Goddess of Sunset, yet
she didn’t forget them. She had waited for more than three years.
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