HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 144

Fiction: Group 2
“Umm, aiya…I think I’m going to…bleugh!” Little Po vomited everywhere, including on me.
“Ewww!” I complained, “Why do all these bad things happen to me?”
“Too bad!” replied Little Po, “But look on the bright side, we’re in the right place!”
“Right place for what?” I asked, forgetting all about why we had come to Macau.
“To get the egg tart recipe, you dope!” Little Po practically yelled.
“Shush!” I said, “The ghosts might hear you.” Just then, I heard some sounds coming from outside.
“What was that?” I asked nervously. Little Po was so scared that he started to move back into the
shadows, but as he stepped backwards, he slipped in his own vomit and fell down into a huge vat of egg
“Hey, what’s going on in here?” called a factory worker, coming into the dark room.
“Aiya! Aiya! Help! Help!” cried Little Po, struggling not to drown in the gooey egg custard. The
factory worker grabbed a ladder, climbed down into the vat and pulled Little Po to safety.
The factory worker was extremely angry. “You stupid, meddling pirate! Your long, grubby pirate
hair has ruined the egg custard for tomorrow’s tarts!”
“What’s going to happen to all this egg custard then? I’ll have it if you don’t want it! It should still
be yummy,” said Little Po eagerly.
“Be quiet, you greedy glutton! It will be used to make the egg tarts as usual, which is why you
cannot tell anybody that this happened.”
“Okay, we promise. But can’t we have just one tiny bite?” asked Little Po pleadingly.
The next day, news spread that a new version of egg tarts had come out in Macau and that the new
egg tarts now had a delicious, brown caramelized surface.
Now I shall tell you the secret of why Macau egg tarts are different from Hong Kong egg tarts, but
you have to promise not to tell anyone. The “delicious” brown surface is actually caused by Little Po’s
greasy hair oil and Little Po now works at the factory. His job is to jump into the egg custard and make it
greasy. In return, he and I get free egg tarts every day. So I guess Little Po became famous after all. He even
got a new name, “Dan Tat Po”!
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