HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 158

Fiction: Group 2
Nothing Silver Can Stay
Diocesan Girls' Junior School, Wong, Hiu Yu - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ay 2000
“There is pollution everywhere! Humans do not care for us anymore. Our home is
destroyed. This is intolerable!”
“Milord, there is no use. Human beings are destructive monsters. What do we have to defend
“General Swiftail, have you forgotten? We have our history, remember? It is time to call the
Daughters of the Moon.”
Swiftail gasped. “The Daughters of the Moon.”
Lord Silverstreak nodded gravely. “The Daughters of the Moon.”
Yue-Si strolled around the seaside, her black hair floating in the breeze. She gazed at the
skyscrapers, ignoring the smog in the air. They sure beat the old fishing and farming stuff Mom told me
about, she thought. Factories, buildings…Hong Kong couldn’t be any better! Smiling, she faced the tranquil
sea. Suddenly, she found herself being dragged underwater. A flash of white, a flurry of squeaks, and then
“Yue-Si,” a deep, booming voice spoke, bringing her back to her feet. Bewildered, she asked,
“Uh, where am I?” Noticing the clear water around her, her jaw dropped open. “Why can I breathe here?
Who are you?”
An elegant Chinese White Dolphin swam towards her. “So young. So curious. So many
complications. Let me start with the basics. I am Lord Silverstreak, the leader of the Chinese White
Dolphins in Hong Kong. Your turn: what are you and your mother’s full names?”
“I am Chan Yue-Si. Mom is Law Nga-Tong.”
“Very well. The truth is that both of your last names are supposed to be Guang, meaning light.
Your family line is involved in Daughters of the Moon, an ancient clan whose founder swore to protect the
Chinese White Dolphins on the first Mid-Autumn Festival. That is why you can breathe underwater. Now,
we need your help. Sophina, you were chosen to aid us. It is your destiny. The decision and our lives rest in
your hands. Will you help us?”
Yue-Si stayed silent, digesting the information. “Why do you need help, then?”
“Pollution ruined our home. We found a secret underwater cave with clean water, but that is not
enough. We need an unpolluted ocean in order to thrive.”
Yue-Si flared up on the mention of this. “Don’t tell me to transform Hong Kong into anything
else. Hong Kong is MY home. I will NEVER change it!”
“Yue-Si, we are already endangered. You are a Daughter of the Moon! Please help us! We may
become extinct!”
“Lord Silverstreak,” Yue-Si laughed coldly. “I’m sure the WWF can help you, not me.” Yue-Si
turned away. “I didn’t choose to be a whatchamacallit?—‘Daughter’. I don’t want to be one either. Why
should I help you if I don’t want to?” She began to swim upwards.
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