HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 29

Fiction: Group 1
NewTales of the Pearl River Delta
Holy Angels Canossian School, Fung, Ching Kiu - 9, Fiction: Group 1
t was a warm afternoon and the sun was shining bright. Kim and I were walking along the river.We saw
some workers dumping waste into the water. I yelled, ‘Stop it! It will harm marine life!’ The workers
ignored us. They kept dumping the waste and left when they were done. Kim mumbled, ‘They can’t
pollute the river even they want to build a bridge for us! We live here and we treasure the river!’
Suddenly, we found a perfectly polished bottle floating on the river. Kim picked it up carefully. There was a
whistle and a note inside the bottle. The note said, ‘If you love the river, you may want to save it. Blow the
whistle and you can help. K.R.’ ‘Who is K.R.?’ I asked. ‘I have no idea but it’s no harm to blow the whistle.’
Kim said.
I blew the whistle strongly and a high pitched sound was made. Splash! Two dolphins jumped out of the river
and nodded their heads towards us. Kim and I exchanged looks, smiled, rode on the dolphins’ backs, held their
fins and zoomed down under the water. In a minute, we arrived at the Underwater Palace. ‘Wow! What a
magnificent palace under the water!’ we exclaimed. It was made entirely out of pearls and marbles. A giant
crab wearing a crown and holding eight sceptres stood on the palace. ‘Welcome boys! I am the King of the
River.You can call me Mr. Crabby.’
‘K.R. … King of the River …You are K.R.!’ I said. ‘Humans are building a bridge but they dump the waste
into the river.They pollute the water. I have to punish them, ’ the King said seriously. He took out a magical
mirror.We could see the storm swirling and some boats flipping over. ‘Please forgive them!’ we begged. The
King said, ‘You are good boys and care about the river. Take this pearl and tell the people not to pollute the
river anymore. I will stop the storm then.’
We rode on the dolphins back and rushed to the water surface. I yelled to the people, ‘Look at this pearl. It is
from the King of the River! The storm is a punishment. Stop polluting the river and the storm will stop.’
Kim held the pearl up and the storm finally stopped.
A year later, the bridge was built. People also built a temple near the river and kept the pearl in it.The King
did not make any storms as he promised. Kim and I kept the whistle. Whenever we wanted to meet the
dolphins, we blew the whistle.They would swim to the surface and play with us together.
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