HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 34

Fiction: Group 1
NewTales of the Pearl River Delta
Kingston International School, Chiu, Katie - 8, Fiction: Group 1
upon a time, there was a place called Pearl River Delta. It was the most excellent place you
cannot imagine.
Pearl River Delta was surrounded by three cities: Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macau.
Hong Kong helped Pearl River Delta storing food and water, so the people won’t starve and get thirsty to
death. Guangdong helped Pearl River Delta to store furniture, so the people would be able to use daily
supplies. Macau helped Pearl River Delta keeping technology, so the citizens had an easy life.
However, one day the three lands wanted to build three walls to never see each other, but no one
knew why.The people in Hong Kong were worrying if there was any technology left.The citizens of
Guangdong was feared of how much food they got left.The city of Macau was scared of how were they
going to live without furniture and food.
While Pearl River Delta was having a fuss, deep inside the river was a pearl castle! Inside the castle
were...Bright Fairies!
The fairies were very worried about the three cities would have war and battle.They were the one
able to make Pearl River Delta happy and normal again.The Dark Fairies just lived next door in a black pearl
castle.They wore black and red dresses with a dark blue ribbon behind the dress. But the Bright Fairies have
aquamarine and purple dresses and a white bow behind it.
The bright queen fairy named Sapphire said“ Everyone! The one who can be doing these terrible
things to the cities can be the Dark Fairies!”
Above the river, the humans were building the three gigantic walls.“Bring over the stone bricks!”
Yelled Government Magic, the Chief of Hong Kong.
The Bright Fairies knew that they could not fly on land, so the queen made a potion named “ THE
The Bright Fairies under the river sneaked into the black pearl castle, and saw the Dark Fairies
making a poisonous potion and sticking the government names on in a pieces of kelp to poison the
governments and wanted them to build the walls. Soon it was dark; the fairies took all of the potions and the
ingredients, while other fairies, which had swallowed “THE LAND FAIRIES”, went to cure the governments
by using some medicine from the queen that could clear all the poison in your body.
The next morning, when the governments awaked, they looked out the window “What has
happened?Who has built those hideous stone walls?”They quickly called people to smash down the walls.
The three governments told the builders to build three bridges: The first one was called Magic
Bridge; the second one was named Peaceful Bridge; and the third one was called Happy Bridge.They were
used to connect the three cities to make it a Megacity, where people united and walked to each city carrying
boxes of food, furniture and technology to share with each other.
One night, Sapphire took one of the “THE LAND FAIRIES”, and flew to the three bridges. She
waved her metallic blue magic wand,“Avada cadabra!”The spell could let the dark fairies never ever used
their evil spells, and let the bridge never ever break.
Now, Pearl River Delta is safe, joyful and united as Kingston International School.
The moral of the story tells us to cooperate with each other, so you can have a anything powerful
like Pearl River Delta!
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